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Kalyango Sebba

Dr Kalyango Sebba

Institution: School of Social Work and Social Administration, Makerere University
Current Institution Location: Uganda

Phone Number:  414-531-484
Website: Go to website

Pool Road, Makerere University

Migration Health Research Area/Expertise
A co-coordinator and facilitator of the Migration Health Certificate course under the School of Social Sciences Makerere University, a collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Research interests spun migration in general and forced migration in particular, that is Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons. I have carried out research on the questions of the drivers, dynamics and challenges of rural to urban mobility in Gulu District, Northern Uganda; the question of refugee vulnerability refugee settlements and hosting areas in Uganda; question related to Child Protection, Child Rights and Gender-Based Violence; knowledge, attitude, behaviour & practices of young people in East African Highway towns in relation to the use mobile phones to access family planning & HIV/AIDS information. We have coordinated study programmes such as Implementing Migration Studies (IMMIS) project and the European Masters in Migration and Intercultural relations in corroboration with the University of Oldenburg, Germany. At the centre, we take a special focus on the questions of the intersection between Gender-Based Violence, HIV/AIDs, and livelihoods of displaced populations.

Research Focus/Expertise on Relevant Migrant Categories
Internal Migration
Internally displaced persons (Adolescents, Adults)

International/Cross-Border Migration
Asylum seekers (Adolescents, Adults)
Humanitarian entrants/ Refugee resettlement programs (Children, Adolescents, Adults, Elderly)
Refugees (Children, Adolescents, Adults, Elderly)

Relevant Publications

Title Author Year Published Link to Publication
Mobility and crisis in Gulu : Drivers, dynamics and challenges of rural to urban mobility Kalyango ROnald

Relevant Projects

Title Year Published Region/Country Role in the Project Main Outcome Link to Study Reports and publications
Situational Analysis of Women in Uganda East Africa
Principal Investigator While the health status of women has been addressed through gender-sensitive health policies and programmes including but not limited to the National Health Policy (2007), the Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP II), the Uganda Minimum Health Care Package (2009), the Population Policy, the National Strategic Framework for HIV/AIDS (2007), reduction of the mother-to-child HIV transmission in Uganda as well as maternal and perinatal death review guidelines, among others.
A Baseline Survey for Child Protection with a focus on Child Rights and Gender-Based Violence against Refugee Children in Kampala East Africa
Principal Investigator
A rapid formative assessment of the knowledge, attitude, behaviour & practices of young people in East African Highway towns in relation to the use mobile phones to access family planning & HIV/AIDS information East Africa
Integrating Gender and Gender-Based Violence into the Pre-Service training of medical professionals in Gulu University for RCQHC in Gulu District East Africa
Principal Investigator
Integrating Gender and Gender-Based Violence into the Pre-Service training of medical professionals in East African Universities East Africa
A survey mapping the use of active management of third stage of labour in four regions of Uganda East Africa
Field assessment on the influence of GBV, HIV/AIDS and food insecurity on livelihood outcomes of populations of humanitarian concern in Northern Uganda East Africa
Principal Investigator The findings revealed that Gender-Based Violence, HIV/AIDS, and food insecurity remain a major challenge for displaced persons returning home with negative impacts on livelihoods. Contributed to the guidance note on GBV and livelihoods for the FAO.
A baseline survey on GBV related attitudes, awareness and response in Yei, Lainya, Morobo and Kajo Keji Counties: Study Commissioned by the American Refugee Committee East Africa
South Sudan
Principal Investigator Findings show that effective health care responses to GBV in South Sudan are constrained by several factors including late reporting of cases of GBV and inadequacies within the health care system.
The magnitude of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in war-affected communities in Northern Uganda East Africa
Principal Investigator During conflict and displacement, much of GBV mainly takes place within family structures. In addition, lack of adequate training on GBV management among health workers constrains GBV response in post-conflict situations.
Evaluation of the integrated response to Sexual Exploitation & Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in refugee populations present in Uganda Principal Investigator