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Jessica Potter

Dr Jessica Potter

Honorary Clinical Lecturer
Institution: Queen Mary University of London
Current Institution Location: United Kingdom


Migration Health Research Area/Expertise
I recently completed an MRC-funded PhD which explored the experiences of recent migrants to the UK when they became unwell with tuberculosis. My research included questionnaire administration and biographic narrative interview methods. I am particularly interested in the structural influences on the lived experiences of migrants. Along with specific expertise in qualitative research methods I am interested in conceptual models of healthcare access. I come from a critical public health perspective through the lens of intersectionality. I have lectured on healthcare access at an undergraduate and postgraduate level. I have supervised several dissertations examining health policy related to migration, the phenomenon of return migration for health and freedom of information requests to analyze charging of overseas patients for health in a UK context. I am a medical doctor by background specialising in adult respiratory medicine with a special interest in tuberculosis. Alongside my research I work with a number of advocacy and activist organizations in the UK which campaign for migrants' rights.

Research Focus/Expertise on Relevant Migrant Categories
International/Cross-Border Migration
Asylum seekers (Children, Adolescents, Adults, Elderly)
International migrant workers (Children, Adolescents, Adults, Elderly)
International students (Children, Adolescents, Adults, Elderly)
Patient mobility across borders (Children, Adolescents, Adults, Elderly)
Refugees (Children, Adolescents, Adults, Elderly)
Resident visa holders (Children, Adolescents, Adults, Elderly)

Relevant Publications

Title Author Year Published Link to Publication
Patients Not Passports – No borders in the NHS! Justice Potter JL
Tuberculosis : looking beyond ‘migrant’ as a category to understand experience Potter JL, Milner A
Border control in a healthcare setting is not in the public’s best interests Potter JL
Patients want to live, not merely survive Potter JL
The NHS and migrant patients with cancer Williams S, Dexter E, Potter JL
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of screening migrants for active and latent tuberculosis Zenner D, Hafezi H, Potter JL, Capone S, Matteelli A
Providing Accessible Healthcare to Migrants Is Morally Right and Cost Effective Potter JL, Inamdar L, Okereke E, Collinson S, Dukes R, Mandelbaum M
The NHS at 70: For platinum-level care, it’s time for everyone to reaffirm their vows Potter JL
Who has to pay for the NHS and when? Potter JL
Is our personal data fair game in the drive to create Theresa May’s “hostile environment” for migrants? Potter JL
Today marks the day when a founding principle of the NHS is destroyed – and doctors like me are being told to help Potter JL
NHS urged to share data so patients can be deported Potter JL
Getting migrants animated about latent tuberculosis infection: developing novel educational tools to raise awareness and improve uptake of testing in a national programme in the UK M Burman, J Potter, J Nunn, L Ellis, H Le Blond, H Clegg, N Ellis, D Zenner

Relevant Projects

Title Year Published Region/Country Role in the Project Main Outcome Link to Study Reports and publications
From Immigration Detention Centres into the Community: Mental Health, Coping and Unmet Needs of Previously Detained Asylum Seekers European Economic Area
United Kingdom
Getting migrants animated about latent tuberculosis infection European Economic Area
United Kingdom
Tuberculosis and recent migration to the UK: Examining new-entrant health screening and delays to diagnosis from the patient's perspective European Economic Area
United Kingdom
Principal Investigator