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Malaria burden in irregular migrants returning to Sri Lanka from human smuggling operations in West Africa and implications for a country reaching malaria elimination

Author/s: Kolitha Wickramage, Gawrie Galappaththy
Language: English
Publication Type: Scientific Report (Journal)(External)

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Background: The number of malaria cases among irregular migrants returning to Sri Lanka has not been investigated.
Methods: In the first 6 months of 2012 we screened 287 irregular migrants returning from seven West African nations to Sri Lanka for malaria to ascertain the risk of infection during migration.
Results: Four men were diagnosed as having malaria: three with Plasmodium falciparumhad travelled to Togo and one with P. vivax had travelled to Guinea. The risk of contracting malaria was 14 cases per 1000.
Conclusion: Facilitating a safe return with selective screening for at-risk inbound migrants flows is desirable as Sri Lanka advances towards its goal of malaria elimination.
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