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Gender-based Violence Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey in South Sudan

This study aimed to collect baseline information across a number of states on gender-based violence (GBV), sexual and reproductive health, HIV, and gender norms in emergency settings among key populations of humanitarian concern in South Sudan, including internally displaced persons in the protection of civilian sites, host communities, and female sex workers.

The UCL-Lancet Commission on Migration and Health: the health of the world on the move

With one billion people on the move or having moved in 2018, migration is a global reality, which has also become a political lightning rod. Although estimates indicate that the majority of global migration occurs within low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), the most prominent dialogue focuses almost exclusively on migration from LMICs to high-income countries (HICs). Nowadays, populist discourse demonises the very same individuals who uphold economies, bolster social services, and contribute to health services in both origin and destination locations.

Documento Exploratório sobre a Resposta Nacional ao HIV em Situações de Emergência em Moçambique: Utilizando os Estudos de Caso de Gaza e Zambézia

Moçambique é frequentemente palco de emergências humanitárias que incluem secas, cheias, ciclones, conflito e doenças epidémicas, entre outros. Este estudo exploratório foi realizado em 2017 no âmbito da “Resposta Nacional ao HIV em Situações de Emergência em Moçambique”. O estudo concluiu que existe uma carência de preparação e coordenação nos departamentos do Governo e outras entidades, e no sistema de acção humanitária da ONU que impossibilita estas agências de responder adequadamente às necessidades e desafios da prevenção gestão do HIV em contextos de emergência humanitária.

Health of migrants: Resetting the agenda - Report of the 2nd Global Consultation Colombo, Sri Lanka, 21-23 February 2017 (Spanish)

The 2017 Global Consultation on Migrant Health was convened as a follow-up to the 1st Global Consultation on Migrant Health, held in 2010, in response to the renewed international attention to the health needs of migrants through agenda-setting on the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, Universal Health Coverage, and other global health priorities.

Health of migrants: Resetting the agenda - Report of the 2nd Global Consultation Colombo, Sri Lanka, 21-23 February 2017 (French)

The 2017 Global Consultation on Migrant Health was convened as a follow-up to the 1st Global Consultation on Migrant Health, held in 2010, in response to the renewed international attention to the health needs of migrants through agenda-setting on the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, Universal Health Coverage, and other global health priorities.