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Migration Health Assessments and Travel Health Assistance: 2019 Overview of Pre-migration Health Activities

IOM's Global Migration Health Assessment Programme (HAP), under the Migration Health Division, conducts pre-migration health activities that are among the most established and longest-standing services provided by the Organization. These activities are undertaken in the context of regular international migration at the request of receiving country governments and vary in scope according to receiving country protocols and the epidemiological profile of the country of origin.

IOM working with the Global Fund

The Global Fund provides financial support for life-saving interventions to countries bearing the highest disease burden and lowest economic capacity, where the key and vulnerable populations are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria. The Global Fund does not implement directly but instead funds programmes implemented by countries, regional organizations, and partners in over 100 countries with high-level burdens of HIV, TB, and Malaria.

Universal Health Coverage - "Leave No Migrant Behind" (French)

Migration is a social determinant of health. Throughout the migration process, migrants are exposed to a unique set of sociocultural, economic and environmental factors that may increase their risk of exposure to negative health outcomes, including communicable and non-communicable diseases. Migrants and mobile populations can face many obstacles in accessing essential health care services due to several factors including irregular immigration status, language barriers, discrimination, a lack of migrant-inclusive health policies and lack of affordable health services.

Migration Health in the Sustainable Development Goals (Spanish)

The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development puts people at the center of all actions, particularly the most marginalized and disempowered, for the realization of societies that are more equitable and inclusive. It also acknowledges that migration carries a development potential, owing to migrants’ intellectual, cultural, human and financial capital, and their active participation in society. Being and staying healthy is a fundamental precondition for migrants to work, be productive, and contribute to the social and economic development of communities of origin and destination.

Migration Health in the Sustainable Development Goals (French)

The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development puts people at the center of all actions, particularly the most marginalized and disempowered, for the realization of societies that are more equitable and inclusive. It also acknowledges that migration carries a development potential, owing to migrants’ intellectual, cultural, human and financial capital, and their active participation in society. Being and staying healthy is a fundamental precondition for migrants to work, be productive, and contribute to the social and economic development of communities of origin and destination.

Migration Health in the Sustainable Development Goals

The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development puts people at the center of all actions, particularly the most marginalized and disempowered, for the realization of societies that are more equitable and inclusive. It also acknowledges that migration carries a development potential, owing to migrants’ intellectual, cultural, human and financial capital, and their active participation in society. Being and staying healthy is a fundamental precondition for migrants to work, be productive, and contribute to the social and economic development of communities of origin and destination.

Emergency Health – 2019 Global Highlights

IOM assists crisis-affected populations, governments, and host communities to strengthen and re-establish primary health-care systems. As a formal partner of the World Health Organization (WHO), and as a member of the Strategic Advisory Group of the InterAgency Standing Committee (IASC) Global Health Cluster, and the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), IOM is a key player in responding to humanitarian and public health emergencies, as well as supporting health system recovery and resilience.

IOM Migration Health Assessment Programmes - Response to COVID-19

Restrictions on international travel, in-country movement limitations imposed by host governments, temporary cessation of visa application centers, and general safety considerations have resulted in the temporary suspension of many IOM's routine pre-migration health activities at the instruction of host governments or the recommendations of United Nations Resident Coordinators.

MHD 2019 in Numbers

In 2019, the Migration Health Division (MHD) of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) expanded its migration health support, coordination, and operational services across the humanitarian-development nexus, worldwide. In line with IOM’s strategic priorities, as well as public health and human rights principles, MHD’s work assists governments worldwide in the management of the health-related aspects of migration, as well as in emergencies, including public health emergencies. It promotes evidence-based policies and practices, with multisectoral and international engagement.