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Healthy Migrants in Healthy Communities (IOM MHD Information Sheet - Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian)

Within its Migration Health Division (MHD), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) delivers and promotes comprehensive, preventive and curative health programmes which are beneficial, accessible, and equitable for migrants and mobile populations. Bridging the needs of both migrants and IOM’s member states, MHD contributes towards the physical, mental and social well-being of migrants, enabling them and host communities to achieve social and economic development.

Assessing the health literacy and health communication needs of Syrian refugees in Turkey

Health literacy in health care is crucial to achieving a reduction in child mortality, improving maternal health, combating infectious diseases, and improving health outcomes. However, refugees and migrants may have lower health literacy than the host community, most often due to poor access to educational resources and information programmes, and related to economic, social, and language barriers. Refugees may also have difficulty interacting with health information due to low literacy levels and cultural and language challenges.

Emergency Health – 2019 Global Highlights (Russian)

IOM assists crisis-affected populations, governments, and host communities to strengthen and re-establish primary health-care systems. As a formal partner of the World Health Organization (WHO), and as a member of the Strategic Advisory Group of the InterAgency Standing Committee (IASC) Global Health Cluster, and the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), IOM is a key player in responding to humanitarian and public health emergencies, as well as supporting health system recovery and resilience.

Migration of Health Workers (Russian)

IOM works in collaboration with national governments and other stakeholders on programs that promote effective management of health worker migration, health systems capacity building in source countries and skill/knowledge transfer from the diaspora. Here are four examples of such projects that IOM has led and/ or contributed to, with the overarching objective of contributing to strengthen health systems around the world.

Universal Health Coverage - "Leave No Migrant Behind" (Russian)

Migration is a social determinant of health. Throughout the migration process, migrants are exposed to a unique set of sociocultural, economic and environmental factors that may increase their risk of exposure to negative health outcomes, including communicable and non-communicable diseases. Migrants and mobile populations can face many obstacles in accessing essential health care services due to several factors including irregular immigration status, language barriers, discrimination, a lack of migrant-inclusive health policies and lack of affordable health services.

Migration Health in the Sustainable Development Goals (Russian)

The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development puts people at the center of all actions, particularly the most marginalized and disempowered, for the realization of societies that are more equitable and inclusive. It also acknowledges that migration carries a development potential, owing to migrants’ intellectual, cultural, human and financial capital, and their active participation in society. Being and staying healthy is a fundamental precondition for migrants to work, be productive, and contribute to the social and economic development of communities of origin and destination.

Healthy Migrants in Healthy Communities (IOM MHD Information Sheet - Russian)

Within its Migration Health Division (MHD), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) delivers and promotes comprehensive, preventive and curative health programmes which are beneficial, accessible, and equitable for migrants and mobile populations. Bridging the needs of both migrants and IOM’s member states, MHD contributes towards the physical, mental and social well-being of migrants, enabling them and host communities to achieve social and economic development.