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Missing: Where Are the Migrants in Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plans?

Novel influenza viruses continue to emerge, posing zoonotic and potentially pandemic threats. Many countries have developed pandemic influenza preparedness plans (PIPPs) aimed at guiding actions and investments to respond to such outbreak events. In our analysis of PIPPs from 21 low to middle-income countries, we found only three that identified strategies for at least one migrant group.   

Health, Border & Mobility Management: IOM's framework for empowering governments and communities to prevent, detect and respond to health threats along the mobility continuum

IOM’s approach to responding to disease outbreaks and preparing for future health threats is particularly anchored upon human mobility, notably through the Health, Border and Mobility Management (HBMM) framework.  This document provides the scope of HBMM that ranges from collection and analysis of information on mobility patterns, to disease surveillance and health threat response mechanisms at spaces of vulnerability along mobility pathways.

Is there a risk of yellow fever virus transmission in South Asian countries with hyperendemic dengue?

The fact that yellow fever (YF) has never occurred in Asia remains an "unsolved mystery" in global health. Most countries in Asia with high Aedes aegypti mosquito density are considered "receptive" for YF transmission. Recently, health officials in Sri Lanka issued a public health alert on the potential spread of YF from a migrant group from West Africa.

Draft of Avian and Human Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plan in Four Piloted Districts of Chiang Rai Province, Thailand

It is important to note that this is a draft plan which will require ongoing revision to ensure it is a current and effective tool to apply in the course of a pandemic. However, we also hope that the drafted avian and human influenza pandemic preparedness plan will be useful for several relevant agencies in Chiang Rai and other provinces who may wish to use it as an example and/or to modify it to suit their organizational needs.

Migration and HIV/AIDS in Thailand: Triangulation of biological, behavioural and programmatic response data in selected provinces

With the growing economy and relatively stable society, Thailand has long been a hub for migration in Greater Mekong Sub-region, particularly for labour migrants from the three neibouring countries namely Myanmar, Cambodia and Lao PDR. It is estimated that over two million migrants are living and working in Thailand, in addition to some 150,000 displaced persons and asylum seekers who seek refuge in nine temporary shelters along the border.