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A Response Analysis of HIV/AIDS Programming along Transport Corridors in Uganda

Author/s: Bernadette Ssebadukka, John Ssengendo, Agatha Kafuko, Godfrey Kalikabyo
Language: English
Publication Type: Technical Report(External)

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This report presents the findings of a situational analysis of HIV programmes for most-at-risk populations along major transport corridors in Uganda. The findings show interesting initiatives as well as a clear need for improved targeting at both national and district level. The objectives of the study were to analyze the current HIV programmes; focusing on institutions involved (“who”), interventions supported or implemented (“what”), and coverage (“where”). The report offers recommendations based on identified gaps. This study was conducted as a follow-up to recommendations of the IOM HIV Hot-Spot Mapping and Situational Analysis along the Kampala-Juba Route, which emphasized the need to strengthen coordination of actors of HIV in transport programmes given the mobile nature of target populations, and the need for programmatic linkages between sites. The study findings are intended to sufficiently inform stakeholders in order to move towards taking concerted action for developing targeted interventions addressing HIV along road transport corridors. The report therefore suggests a comprehensive programme framework that can be adapted and taken forward by stakeholders under the leadership of the Uganda AIDS Commission. 

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International Organization for Migration