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Migración Saludable en América Central: Aprenda Facilitando

El presente manual fue elaborado en conjunto con el Fondo de Cooperación UNFPA/AECID; con el objetivo de formar y sensibilizar a proveedores de salud y funcionarios vinculados con migración sobre las condiciones que aumentan la vulnerabilidad de las poblaciones migrantes en América Central, con énfasis en su salud. Se busca fortalecer las acciones de protección y apoyo en las comunidades de origen, tránsito y destino, bajo un enfoque de derechos humanos e interculturalidad que promueva condiciones más inclusivas y desarrollo humano.

Improving health care for migrant populations using practice innovations and strategic alliances to drive change: The U.S. case

In the United States, the last decade has seen significant advancement in policies, programs and research that addresses the improvement of health care for culturally diverse populations. This paper examines the impact of different players and policy agendas that have played a role in advancing the cause of better health care for migrants and minority communities. These include the role of service delivery innovations and policy developments, and the work of individual sectoral efforts as well as the powerful strategic alliances between them.

Development and Implementation of a Central American Joint Initiative on the Health of Migrants

The main objective of this project is to develop a Central American joint initiative on the health of migrants and their families to contribute towards a regional health approach bringing together governments, civil society organizations, development partners, academia and the private sector.

Enhancing the Overseas Health Assessment and Management of US-Bound Refugees, Washington

The purpose of the program is to assist the CDC in implementing activities to strengthen prevention and control efforts of infectious diseases, including vaccine-preventable diseases, in U.S.-bound refugee populations worldwide by: 1) Establishing surveillance for infectious diseases in U.S.-bound refugees; 2) Evaluating the health status of U.S.-bound refugees for the purpose of informing and improving U.S.

Enhancing Health Responses through the Provision of Comprehensive Primary Health Care and Cholera Response in High Risk Regions of Grand-Anse and South Departments-Haiti

IOM is proposing a life-saving intervention to improve access to health and cholera treatment services among affected populations. Moreover, in regard to the impact of Matthew Hurricane on DINEPA and Water Treatment system, IOM will support DINEPA with the distribution of HTH to improve the quality of community drinking water in targeted communities where chlorination system is missing or affected/damaged.

Identification and Formal Registration of Returnees Stranded in Informal Settlements and Provision of Cholera Response in Anse- à- Pitres - Haiti

Through this project, IOM will work in collaboration with GoH and la Direction de la Protection Civile (DPC), to identify and conduct a formal registration of returnees stranded in the six informal settlements in Anse à Pitres. Through conducting a formal registration of all the returnees residing the camps, IOM will capture reliable statistical data and independent information on the returnees. The information obtained will facilitate complementary projects focused on supporting the orderly and humane relocation of returnees stranded in Anse à Pitres.

Ensure Adequate and Rapid Response to Cholera Alerts and Outbreaks by the Health Sector in Haiti

The direct beneficiaries targeted by this project are the people affected by or exposed to cholera regardless gender, origin and age. The projects will ensure early and timely response to notified alerts and support cholera care delivery at institutional and community level to reduce morbidity and mortality related to cholera. The project targets life-saving activities addressing life threatening conditions due to cholera infection both at institutional and community level.

Action Contre La Faim – Strengthening the Response Capacities to Cholera Outbreaks in the Artibonite and North-West Departments, Haiti

This project will provide life-saving prevention, treatment, surveillance and monitoring, and rapid response capacity in the departments of Upper Artibonite and North West departments that are not covered by another cholera intervention and with no basic service delivery. and seek to identify and address the needs of women, men, girls and boys affected with cholera through accessing health care & wash delivery interventions. The project will deploy a joint mobile rapid response team (one per department) in less than 48 hours of an alert and response.