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Papua New Guinea | NFIs, WASH, Emergency Preparedness and Conflict Management | Situation Report 31 Oct 2017

Author/s: IOM Papua New Guinea
Language: English
Publication Type: Periodical/ Newsletter(External)

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Papua New Guinea (PNG) is prone to natural and man-made disasters which often lead to destruction of property and internal displacement. In PNG, internally displaced persons (IDPs) have emerged largely as a result of natural disasters, impacts of climate change, tribal conflicts and land disputes. This year the country has witnessed displacements in different parts of the country including the nation’s capital, Port Moresby, where a fire incident left 250 people homeless. IOM, the United Nations Migration Agency, is working in close cooperation with the Government of PNG to enhance its preparedness and response capacity to migration crises, adapt to climate change and link its disaster management approaches to development. In line with its mandate, IOM’s Emergencies and Disaster Management programme in PNG aims to reduce the effects of natural and man-made disasters on local communities through three programme pillars - community resilience, coordination and capacity building. In doing so, IOM has continued to strengthen the capacity of state and non-state actors, including grassroots communities, better prepare for and mitigate the effects of natural and human-induced hazards. 

IOM Papua New Guinea