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Social determinants of the incidence of Covid-19 in Barcelona: a preliminary ecological study using public data [Determinantes sociales de la incidencia de la Covid-19 en Barcelona: un estudio ecológico preliminar usando datos públicos]

OBJECTIVE: Social determinants and health inequalities have a huge impact on health of populations. It is important to study their role in the management of the Covid-19 epidemic, especially in cities, as certain variables like the number of tests and the access to health system cannot be assumed as equal. The aim of this work was to determine the relation of social determinants in the incidence of Covid-19 in the city of Barcelona.

Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) in italians and in immigrants in an area of northern Italy (Reggio Emilia) [Prevalenza di infezione SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) negli Italiani e negli immigrati nell’area di Reggio Emilia]

It has been hypothesized that bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG), the anti-tuberculosis vaccine, can be protective against Covid-19. Using data of performed swabs and RT-PCR results for SARS-CoV-2 in the Reggio Emilia province (Emilia-Ro-magna Region, Northern Italy) from March 6th to March 26th, 2020, we computed age, gender, and place of birth (Italy or abroad) specific risk of being tested, prevalence of positive tests, and probability of testing positive given that a swab has been taken during the epidemic peak.

La migrazione di infermieri ed altri professionisti sanitari durante il COVID-19 [Nurse and health professional migration during COVID-19]

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of nursing supply flows, domestically and internationally. Its impact at the country-level has further highlighted preexisting nurse supply gaps and the effect of staffing shortages. Internationally, the pandemic has disrupted global supply chains. The world has witnessed the closing of borders, the interruption of travel, and, in some countries, the restriction of outflows.

The COVID-19 pandemic: An immigrant family story on reconnection, resistance, and resiliency

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a significant effect on the vulnerable portion of society, particularly on Indigenous and visible minority immigrants. We, as a minority family from Bangladesh who are on Indigenous land in Saskatchewan Canada, explore family-based pandemic resiliency, mainly focusing on Indigenous notions of resistance and reconnection. This article discusses our family-based resiliency on family interaction, social distancing, and isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19, Australia: Epidemiology Report 24 (Fortnightly reporting period ending 30 August 2020)

Cumulatively to 30 August there have been 25,686 case notifications and 577 deaths. The number of new cases reported nationally this fortnight was 1,751, a 61% decrease from the previous fortnight (4,501). On average this represented 125 cases diagnosed each day over the reporting period, a decrease from 322 cases per day over the previous reporting period. 94% (1,640) of all cases were reported in Victoria, with a smaller number of cases reported from New South Wales (86), Queensland (19), Western Australia (5) and South Australia (1).

Hazardous confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic: The fate of migrants detained yet nondeportable

As the French government decided on a lockdown of the population to prevent the spread of COVID-19, it soon appeared that, in an apparent paradox, two forcibly confined categories were particularly at risk: prisoners and detainees. Confronted with multiple mobilizations from civil society, authorities reacted in two distinct ways, significantly reducing the demographic of correctional facilities to allow for protective measures, but refusing to temporarily close detention centers, despite their insalubrious conditions and the impossibility of organizing deportations.

Network characteristics and visualization of COVID-19 outbreak in a large detention facility in the United States - Cook County, Illinois, 2020

What is already known about this topic? Network analyses and visualization can provide information about outbreak transmission dynamics. What is added by this report? Analysis of detained person and staff member movements during a COVID-19 outbreak at Cook County Jail in Illinois found fewer connections among detained persons with COVID-19 than expected, suggesting that interventions and medical isolation practices were effective at reducing transmission.