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The COVID-19 pandemic: An immigrant family story on reconnection, resistance, and resiliency

Datta R.,
Chapola J.,
Datta P.
Document Type
Source Title
Journal of Comparative Family Studies
University of Toronto Press


The COVID-19 pandemic has created a significant effect on the vulnerable portion of society, particularly on Indigenous and visible minority immigrants. We, as a minority family from Bangladesh who are on Indigenous land in Saskatchewan Canada, explore family-based pandemic resiliency, mainly focusing on Indigenous notions of resistance and reconnection. This article discusses our family-based resiliency on family interaction, social distancing, and isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper explores a family-based decolonizing autoethnography as a methodology for understanding health and wellness from an immigrant family's perspective. We discussed why Indigenous and immigrant stories matters for building resiliency and resistance within a family. How do we know it is effective? How can it be helpful for others? Here, we highlight how Indigenous Elders, Knowledge-Keepers, and ancestors' stories helped us for building our resistance and reconnection to be active, hopeful, and joyful during the COVID-19 pandemic. © Journal of Comparative Family Studies.

Migration angle
Region/Country (by coverage)