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Lessons from COVID-19 for future mobility solutions [Lecciones del covid-19 para futuras soluciones de movilidad]

Mourelo A.A.
Document Type
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Revista de Obras Publicas
Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos Canales y Puertos


It is uncertain whether the already several month long confinement experience will have lasting consequences on the mobility patterns of citizens and on the paradigms that have dominated public policies in our country as in most of Europe. What can be said by now is that it has highlighted the capacity of most citizens to adjust to a new low-mobility routine, the risks of increasing social exclusion and the difficulties of the mobility system to adapt to new conditions. These early lessons provide a basis to critically review some aspects of the current mobility policy and its governance system, such as its excessive confidence in technological solutions to cope with the ecological transition challenges, the excessive influence of the big industry and the pervasive difficulties that current mobility policies have to cope with the broad variety of environments and social realities in Europe and in our country. © 2020 Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos Canales y Puertos. All rights reserved.

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Index Keywords

Public works; Governance systems; Mobility pattern; Mobility policies; Mobility solutions; Mobility systems; Social exclusion; Social reality; Technological solution; Civil engineering