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Covid-19: (in)security without (im)mobility? Bringing the politics of mobility to critical security studies

The article is focused on three ideas: the COVID-19 pandemic, security and mobility. While the coronavirus is a potential security threat due to its movement (transmission, infection), both movement and mobility are a "blind spot" in Critical Security Studies. The purpose of this article is to analyse the pandemic-security nexus through the lens of the politics of mobility and explore the analytical benefits of bringing the Paradigm of the New Mobilities closer to Critical Security Studies.

Urban structure and population mobility: Implications for social distance and dissemination of covid-19

The world has witnessed the rapid spread of confirmed cases of acute respiratory syndrome through coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19). In the first months of the pandemic, statistics indicate that large cities have become prominent places of contagion and dissemination of COVID-19.

Those who cannot stay at home: Urban mobility and social vulnerability in Barcelona during the COVID-19 pandemic

The article analyzes for the metropolitan area of Barcelona, the differentiated behavior of the population with respect to daily mobility in a highly exceptional situation: the health and social crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The research is based on the analysis of the validations of the transport tickets on weekdays to access the railway transport modes (metro, suburban railway and tram), in relation to the mean income of the area where each of the accesses is made.

Socioeconomic inequalities in overall and COVID-19 mortality during the first outbreak peak in Emilia-Romagna Region (Northern Italy)

OBJECTIVES: to provide a description of inequalities in overall and COVID-19 mortality by ecological socioeconomic measures (ESEMs) during the first outbreak peak (March and April 2020) in Emilia-Romagna Region. DESIGN: cross-sectional study based on the record linkage of the COVID-19 notification system, the regional population health register and the 2011 census data.

Food security and safety concerns in animal production and public health issues in Africa: A perspective of COVID-19 pandemic era

The impact of COVID-19 on food security can best be understood from the downturn on agricultural and other related economic activities which were almost brought to a total halt during the pandemic. The restriction of movement/lockdown policy instituted by various governments heavily affected local and national food production as farmers could not go to their farmlands. More so, there was price gouging on raw food items as local farmers were reducing cultivation and harvest because of their safety.

The tourist guide profession and the impact of the COVID-19 [A profissão de guia-intérprete e o impacto da COVID-19]

Tour guides are one of the professions that suffered the most from the health crisis and is one of the professions that will have the most difficulty in recovering. This difficulty arises not only from the fact that modern tourism has developed in other ways, more individualistic, supported by new technologies and today also encouraged by insecurity, but because this profession works mainly with the foreign market, very dependent on mobility much limited now by the pandemic.

The universal electronic communications service to fight COVID-19 [El servicio universal de telecomunicaciones ante el COVID-19]

The effects of COVID-19 are being felt in Spain and are having a significant impact on the Telecom companies. As the Spanish government's impose restrictions on movement, people are spending more time at home work, leisure and using vastly higher amount of data. The 17th March Real Decreto-ley 8/2020, approving urgent exceptional measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19 are focused on at how telecommunications make changes to benefit consumers during this time. © 2020 Ibero-American Law Institute. All rights reserved.

Lessons from COVID-19 for future mobility solutions [Lecciones del covid-19 para futuras soluciones de movilidad]

It is uncertain whether the already several month long confinement experience will have lasting consequences on the mobility patterns of citizens and on the paradigms that have dominated public policies in our country as in most of Europe. What can be said by now is that it has highlighted the capacity of most citizens to adjust to a new low-mobility routine, the risks of increasing social exclusion and the difficulties of the mobility system to adapt to new conditions.

Coronavirus Crisis and Housing Policy Challenges [Corona-Krise fordert Wohnungspolitik heraus]

The coronavirus pandemic and the associated containment measures are likely to have serious effects on housing. In the short term, the German Federal Government has reacted with temporary exemptions for subject-oriented instruments as well as for rental and lending regulations. However, it has become apparent that further temporary regulations are needed within the scope of social security of housing. In the course of the recession, pronounced price declines on the housing markets are to be expected due to the great relevance of demandside developments.