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Health problems of Nepalese labor migrants: A scoping review

Author/s: Rajendra Karkee, Minani Gurung, Lisasha Poudel, Chiranjivi Baral, Pratik Adhikary, K C Radheshyam Krishna, Sundip Gurung, Vasil Gajdadziev, Patrick Duigan, Montira Inkochasan, Kolitha Wickramage, Ganesh Gurung
Language: English
Publication Type: Scientific Report (Journal)(External)

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Labor migrants (LMs) often work in precarious work environments and are exposed to various health risks. There is a lack of information on the health of international Nepalese LMs (NLMs). This scoping study was conducted to assess the health problems of international NLMs based on the six-stage scoping review process of Arksey and O'Malley. A literature review and stakeholders consultation related to NLMs' health information were conducted. A total of 455 studies were identified of which 38 studies were potentially relevant based on title and/or abstract screening, and a total of 16 studies were finally included and assessed. The literature showed that the health problems incurred by NLMs are mainly mental health problems; accidents, injuries, and infectious diseases. The Foreign Employment Board is the main public stakeholder which records deaths and disabilities of NLMs. The record showed that there were a total of 3,752,811 labor permits approval, a total of 7467 deaths, and a total of 1512 disabilities among NLMs during the 11 years from 2008-2018. There is a need to have a better investigation of causes of death and disability among NLMs to assign scientific causes of death. Predeparture orientation on mental health coping strategies, labor rights, health-care accessibility options in destination countries, traffic safety, and infectious diseases should be instituted.

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WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health