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Assessing Vulnerabilities and Responses to Environmental Changes in Cambodia

Author/s: G. Oudry, K. Pak, C. Chea
Language: English
Publication Type: Technical Report(External)

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Climate change is anticipated to increase the frequency, intensity and severity of extreme natural events, which could turn into far worse disasters, with considerable impact on human lives, agriculture, health, economy, education, rural and urban infrastructures, and private properties. The study "Assessing Vulnerabilities and Responses to Environmental Changes in Cambodia", funded by the IOM Development Fund, has been conducted jointly by the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), with the involvement of the Ministry of Environment (MoE), the Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MoWA) and the National Committee for Subnational Democratic Development (NCDD). The report builds on the existing evidence on the environment-climate change-migration nexus in Cambodia, and is complemented by active field surveys carried out in the Tonle Sap Great Lake area in 2015, to identify and document potential ways for Cambodia to address the growing threat of environmental induced migration. By doing so, NCDM and IOM seek to support a greater understanding on this issue and to contribute to Cambodia’s efforts to address natural disaster management, environment degradation and climate change in an integrated manner.

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International Organization for Migration, Phnom Penh