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Ivan Alegria

Dr Ivan Alegria

Institution: IOM
Current Institution Location: Guatemala

Phone Number:  (502)-5736-3256

2 calle 3-10 zona 5, Colonia Molina, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

Migration Health Research Area/Expertise
I have worked since 2015 for IOM in a shelter "Casa Nuestras Raíces Quetzaltenango" where unaccompanied children are received and I bring them medical assistance and the medication according to the disease that presents. Realize and implement "Toxic waste management protocols, Care Route and Medical Protocol".

Research Focus/Expertise on Relevant Migrant Categories
Internal Migration
Left-behind migrant families (Children, Adolescents)
Migrant Workers (Children, Adolescents)

International/Cross-Border Migration
Asylum seekers (Children, Adolescents)
International migrant workers (Children, Adolescents)

Relevant Projects

Title Year Published Region/Country Role in the Project Main Outcome Link to Study Reports and publications
Retorno y reintegración en el triángulo norte de Centro América Central and North America and the Caribbean
Collaborator Health Services
Asistencia Integral a familias y niñez migrante no acompañada en el triángulo norte de Centro América Central and North America and the Caribbean
Collaborator Health Services
Asistencia Integral a familias y niñez migrante no acompañada en el triángulo norte de Centro América Central and North America and the Caribbean
Collaborator Health Services
Rapid response to the child migration crisis in Guatemala Central and North America and the Caribbean
Collaborator Health Services
Migración de niños no acompañados Central and North America and the Caribbean
Collaborator Health Services