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Alcohol use disorders among Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to determine the prevalence of Alcohol Use Disorders (AUDs) among Myanmar male migrant workers (> 15 years) living in Mae Sot, Thailand, and their patterns of drinking.

Design/methodology/approach: A cross-sectional survey was administered to 512 participants to measure AUDs and drinking patterns. ANOVA and χ2 analyses were performed to assess demographic differences between abstainers, harmful and hazardous drinkers (HHDs) (those showing signs of AUDs) and non-harmful drinkers.

Substance Use Primary Prevention Campaign Effectiveness Measurement Survey Report: Psychoactive Substance Use Primary Prevention Campaign Project

This report presents the results of the survey that assesses the effectiveness of the substance use primary prevention campaign conducted by the International Organization for Migration and relevant stakeholders. It depicts findings related to changes in the awareness of migrant and ethnic minority school children with regard to risks of the use of specific psychoactive substances subsequent to the implementation of the primary prevention campaign in the public school setting.

Key Populations, Key Solutions – A Gap Analysis and Recommendations for Key Populations and HIV in SA

This policy brief is a summary of the findings and recommendations of the ‘Key Populations, Key Responses’ report. Commissioned by the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) and the South African UN Joint Team on HIV & AIDS, this report provides a comprehensive situational analysis of South African men who have sex with men, transgender people, injecting drug users, sex workers, prisoners and migrants, and HIV in South Africa. It includes an overview of completed research, current service provision, gaps and recommendations for Key Populations.

Life is Better (Georgian)

საინფორმაციო, საგანმანათლებლო და საკომუნიკაციო მასალა „ცხოვრება უკეთესია“ შემუშავებულია 13-14 წლის ახალგაზრდებისთვის და მოუთხრობს მათ ფსიქოაქტიური ნივთიერებების ავადმოხმარების მავნებლობისა და რისკ ფაქტორების შესახებ. „ცხოვრება უკეთესია“ მიზნად ისახავს ხელი შეუწყოს ახალგაზრდების ცნობიერების ამაღლებას ფსიქოაქტიური ნივთიერებების ავადმოხმარებით გამოწვეულ შედეგებზე, რომლებიც უარყოფით ზეგავლენას ახდენენ მათ ჯანმრთელობასა და სოციალურ მდგომარეობაზე. „ცხოვრება უკეთესია“ შესაძლებლობას ანიჭებს ახალგაზრდებს ინფორმირებული არჩევანი გააკეთონ.

Life is better

The “Life is Better” information, education and communication materials are intended for adolescents aged 13–14 years old and narrate the ill effects and risk factors of psychoactive substances' abuse. “Life is Better” comprises information on risks resulting from abuse of such psychoactive substances as tobacco, alcohol, injecting drugs, inhalants, bio/ spices, sedatives, ecstasy and marijuana/ cannabis.

An action oriented training manual on gender, migration and HIV

This manual was primarily developed to build the capacity of individuals and organisations to address specific gender and HIV vulnerabilities within migrant settings. It has been designed so that is can be used both as a train the trainer (ToT ) tool and as “on-the-ground” tool for facilitators to use in diff erent settings. It is intended to be used in workshop settings and also as a resource and facilitation guide for those working on issues of migration, gender, HIV, sexuality, health, violence, human rights and citizenship.