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Cuidados para la Salud y la Trata de Personas: Guías para Proveedores de Salud

Los abusos presentes en la trata de personas pueden involucrar riesgos de salud. En muchos casos, las secuelas físicas y psicológicas de la experiencia de la trata pueden ser graves y duraderas. El proveedor de salud que se encuentre en contacto con una persona que ha estado en una situación de trata o algún otro individuo expuesto a otro tipo de explotación tiene una oportunidad única de proveer cuidados médicos esenciales y opciones de referencia vitales.

Caring for Trafficked Persons: Guidance for Health Providers (Chinese)

For many trafficked persons, the physical and psychological aftermath of a trafficking experience can be severe and enduring. Health providers may come into contact with victims of trafficking at different stages of the trafficking process and at different stages of their recovery. For health practitioners, diagnosing and treating trafficked persons can be exceptionally challenging. The informed and attentive health care provider can play an important role in assisting and treating individuals who may have suffered unspeakable and repeated abuse.

Caring for Trafficked Persons: Guidance for Health Providers (Arabic)

For many trafficked persons, the physical and psychological aftermath of a trafficking experience can be severe and enduring. Health providers may come into contact with victims of trafficking at different stages of the trafficking process and at different stages of their recovery. For health practitioners, diagnosing and treating trafficked persons can be exceptionally challenging. The informed and attentive health care provider can play an important role in assisting and treating individuals who may have suffered unspeakable and repeated abuse.

HIV and People on the Move: Risk and Vulnerabilities of Migrants and Mobile Populations in Southern Africa

This is a summary report of the structured e-mail discussion on the links between population mobility, migration and HIV in Southern Africa, which was organized by the IOM in collaboration with the Health and Development Networks (HDN). The discussion took place on the AF-AIDS eForum, the regional eForum on HIV in Africa, from April to August 2005.

The discussion focused on three main topics:

Migration Patterns Survey and HIV Vulnerability Assessment Mapping in Selected Districts of Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste, the world’s newest democracy, has extremely poor health indicators and high levels of endemic poverty. Information about migration patterns, mobility, and HIV prevalence and knowledge in the country are limited. This study attempted to identify migration patterns and HIV vulnerability in 6 districts of Timor-Leste.

Activity manual for immigration officers and relevant persons in migrant health care (Thai)

This activity manual was developed through a series of consultative meetings and a pre-test with immigration police, immigration doctors, public health officers, and representatives of migrant populations in Thailand.  Although the manual is intended to enhance the knowledge, understanding, and attitudes of immigration and public health officers on migrant health care in closed-settings, it can be adapted to other target audiences at both central and community levels.

The health of trafficked women: A survey of women entering posttrafficking services in Europe

The trafficking of women and adolescents is increasingly recognized as one of the world’s fastest growing crimes and a significant violation of human rights. Despite the compelling need for evidence on the physical and psychological health consequences to inform rapidly emerging policies and services for trafficked persons, there is limited evidence about the needs of women who have been trafficked. We investigated the health of women and adolescent girls trafficked for sexual exploitation in Europe who were entering posttrafficking services.