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Nutrition Surveillance Report (Issue No. 4, January–December 2013)

This report presents child growth and malnutrition status of refugee children examined by the IOM Health Assessment Programme at select locations namely Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand, Rwanda, South Africa and Uganda. The report analyses prevalence of three key indicators for protein–energy malnutrition, namely, weight-for-height or wasting, height-for-age or stunting, and weight-for-age or underweight.

Nutrition Surveillance Reports: Health Assessment Programme (Issue No. 3, January–December 2012)

This report presents child growth and malnutrition status of refugee children examined by the IOM Health Assessment Programme at seven key locations around the world namely Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Nepal and Thailand. The report analyses prevalence of two key indicators for protein–energy malnutrition namely weight-for-height or wasting and height-for-age or stunting.

Nutrition Surveillance Report (Issue No. 2, January–December 2011)

This report presents child growth and malnutrition status of refugee children examined by the IOM Health Assessment Programme at seven key locations around the world namely Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Nepal and Thailand. The report analyses prevalence of two key indicators for protein–energy malnutrition namely weight-for-height or wasting and height-for-age or stunting.

Nutrition Surveillance Report (Issue No. 1, January-June 2011)

The IOM Migration Health Division is pleased to share this first issue of a newly launched quarterly publication on Nutrition Surveillance. This report presents child growth and malnutrition status of refugee children examined by the IOM Health Assessment Programme at seven key locations around the world namely Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Nepal and Thailand. The report analyses prevalence of two key indicators for protein–energy malnutrition namely weight-for-height or wasting and height-for-age or stunting.

Migration Health: Summer 2011, Africa and the Middle East

Migration Health is a regional newsletter highlighting how IOM and partners are making a difference to the lives of migrants and mobile populations across Africa and the Middle East. Packed with news features, interviews, photo galleries and IOM’s latest research, the newsletter underpins the Migration Health Division's core mandate to promote and deliver evidence-informed health policies and programmes which are  beneficial, accessible, and equitable for migrants, mobile populations, and the communities in which they live, or transit. 

Eye on Migration and Health, Issue 5, June 2011

A bulletin of news, information and analysis of migration and health in East and Southern Africa. 

Inside this Issue:

  • New clinic offers roadside health care for mobile population in Kenya
  • Providing medical escort services to medically unfit Zimbabwean migrants 
  • Southern Africa ports as spaces of HIV vulnerability
  • HIV Vulnerabiity among Mobile POpulations in the Ports of Mozambique 

Ensuring health equity of marginalized populations: experiences from mainstreaming the health of migrants

Migrants around the world significantly contribute to the economies of countries of origin and destination alike. Despite the growing number of migrants in today's globalized world, the conditions in which migrants travel, live and work can carry exceptional risks to their physical and mental well-being. These risks are often linked to restrictive immigration and employment policies, economic and social factors and dominant anti-migrant sentiments in societies, and are often referred to as the social determinants of migrants' health.