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Exploring the landscape of health-related information of migrants and its management in Nepal: A scoping review

This report presents the findings on health problems of Nepali migrants, management of migrant health information, and associated stakeholders involved in migrant health issues in Nepal by means of scoping study based on both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources were the interviews with 17 key informants working on migrant health-related issues and one focus group discussion with pre-medical health assessment centres.

Migration Health Research Bulletin, Issue No. 24

The issue of the Bulletin features studies, reports, and guides related to COVID-19, HIV, tuberculosis, and other topics relevant to migration and health.

The audio podcast episode discusses the electronic Personal Health Record (ePHR) which is a health information system that registers health data on newly arriving migrants, and how the ePHR was used to describe the health problems and health status of migrants.

Emigration of Health and Information and Communication Technology Professionals from Bosnia and Herzegovina: Challenges and Opportunities

The research aims to analyse the scale, drivers, and impact of emigration on health and ICT professionals from Bosnia and Herzegovina. It consists of the following thematic areas: (a) analysis of emigration trends and demographic data of emigrants; (b) analysis of drivers of emigration; and (c) analysis of the impact of emigration.

The main research questions analysed in the research are as follows: 

(a) What is the scale of emigration from the health and ICT sectors (that is, demographic and skills profile of emigrants) in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

When husband migrate: effects of international migration of husbands on fetal outcomes, body mass index and gestational weight of female spouses that stay behind


International labour migration continues to be an integral component in Sri Lanka’s economic development. Previous research indicates an adverse perinatal outcome in association with low maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index (PBMI) and gestational weight gain (GWG). However, evidence of this association is limited in migrant families. This study aims to investigate the associations between PBMI, GWG among lactating mothers (LM), and fetal outcomes in migrant households, where the father is the migrant worker.

Migration impacts on Cambodian children and families left behind

Despite the large flow of internal and international/cross-border labor migration and its importance to economic development and poverty alleviation, little is known of the health and social consequences to migrants and their families in Cambodia. The link between migration and the institutionalization of children of migrant workers is also poorly understood. This study addresses two key research questions: 
1 - Are there any significant health and social consequences to left-behind children and family members of migrant workers in Cambodia?

Risk of kidney health among returnee Nepali migrant workers: A survey of nephrologists

Background: Anecdotal reports suggest an increasing prevalence of kidney problems in returnee Nepali migrant workers from the Gulf countries and Malaysia.

Aims and Objectives: This study aims to (a) explore the magnitude of the kidney health-related problems in returnee Nepali migrant workers; and, (b) assess the need for further scientific investigations.

Kidney health risk of migrant workers: An issue we can no longer overlook

The burden of kidney disease-related morbidity and mortality in the general population is rising. Recent data suggest that 1.2 million people worldwide lost their lives from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in 2017. The global prevalence of CKD was estimated between 11% to 13%, according to a 2016 review. There exists a specific population group of low-skilled migrant workers in the countries of the Gulf and Malaysia, who could be at a disproportionately higher risk of kidney health problems.

Migration Health 2020 Impact Overview

This report is an annual overview of activities led and implemented by the Migration Health Division of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in 2020, in partnership with Member States, United Nations agencies and other partners in the international community, to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, meet the operational challenges and advance understanding of migration health, encourage socioeconomic development through migration, and work towards ensuring respect of the human dignity and well-being of migrants.

Diaspora Engagement in Health in The Eastern Mediterranean Region: A desk review of experiences

This desk review of the medical (or health) diaspora originating from the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region was conducted jointly by the Department of Health Systems Development at the World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (WHO EMRO) and the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) MENA Regional Office, both in Cairo.