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MIPEX Health Strand Country Report: Czech Republic

This report was produced within the framework of the IOM’s EQUI-HEALTH project, in collaboration with Cost Action IS1103 ADAPT and the Migrant Policy Group (MPG), with the financial contribution of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health, Food Safety (SANTE), through the Consumers, Health, Agriculture, and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) and IOM. 


MIPEX Health Strand Country Report: Bosnia and Herzegovina

This report was produced within the framework of the IOM’s EQUI-HEALTH project, in collaboration with Cost Action IS1103 ADAPT and the Migrant Policy Group (MPG), with the financial contribution of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health, Food Safety (SANTE), through the Consumers, Health, Agriculture, and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) and IOM. 


Increasing public health safety alongside the New Eastern European Border: An overview of findings from the situational analysis

This document is based on the Situation Analysis Report (SAR) undertaken within the framework of the project “Increasing Public Health Safety alongside the New Eastern European Border Line” (PHBLM) and co-authored by Mariya Samuilova, Jennifer Hollings and Roumyana Petrova-Benedict from the Migration Health Unit, IOM Brussels.

Bulgaria Health Situation at EU's Southern Borders - Assessment Report

This report presents the results of the assessment report of migrant, occupational, and public health which took place in Bulgaria between February and March 2014, and which continuously updated within the framework of the IOM EQUI-HEALTH project "Fostering health provision for migrants, the Roma, and other vulnerable groups” until April 2015.