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Community-based HIV Prevention and Stigma Reduction in Somalia under the Global Fund Round 8 HIV Grant (CBHP)

IOM will develop and implement a community based prevention, awareness and stigma reduction programme in Somalia, specifically focusing on most at risk populations (MARPs) and hot spot areas. This programme will increase awareness of key affected and vulnerable populations, increase capacity of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to better coordinate and address HIV and AIDS issues, and decrease stigma in key institutions, with religious leaders, and in the community.

Prevalence of and risk factors for active tuberculosis in migrants screened before entry to the UK: a population-based cross-sectional study

Background: An increasing number of countries with low incidence of tuberculosis have pre-entry screening programmes for migrants. We present the fi rst estimates of the prevalence of and risk factors for tuberculosis in migrants from 15 high-incidence countries screened before entry to the UK.

Somali HIV Hot-Spot Mapping: Exploring HIV Vulnerability among Populations at Increased Risk, 2008

Somalia lacks strategic information for an effective and evidence-based response to the HIV epidemic. Since no epidemiological study has been conducted in Somalia on HIV risk behaviours and populations at risk, little is known about the dynamics of transactional sex, and its implications on HIV vulnerability and infection status of populations at increased risk. This hot-spot mapping is the first study targeting at-risk populations across Somalia, and was conducted from 2007-2008 in partnership with the Somali AIDS Commissions.