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Health and illness in migrants and refugees arriving in Europe: analysis of the electronic Personal Health Record system


The electronic Personal Health Record (ePHR) is a health information system that registers health data on newly arriving migrants and was implemented in eight European countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia). This is a cross-sectional study aimed to describe the health problems and health status of all migrants attended at health clinics as part of the health assessment program established in the reception centres (2016–2019).

COVID-19 and social distancing implications for religious activities and travel: The case of the Serbian Orthodox Church

The COVID-19 pandemic affects people’s everyday way of life. International tourism is one of the most affected activities today, since one of the key measures in the strategy of keeping control over the new pandemic is preventing closer human contact. This includes restricting and discouraging the movement of people towards tourism destinations. These measures have caused major problems for the tourism industry and no form of tourism has been spared.

Public perception of police behaviors in the disaster COVID-19 – The case of Serbia

Purpose: The aim of the study is to determine the perception of general public on the Serbian police behaviors in combating COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the perception of the citizens how successful the police units were in fulfilling their tasks. Design/methodology/approach: Due to the state of emergency declared due to COVID-19 pandemic, in particular the restriction of movement and the need for social distance, the data collection for this study had to be conducted via the online survey platform (Google.doc).

Serbia in the time of COVID-19: between “corona diplomacy”, tough measures and migration management

The paper analyzes the specificities of Serbia’s response to coronavirus. Two most important issues during the pandemic were the role of the State and the management of migration flows. Being placed in the China–Russia–EU triangle shaped the response on the crises but also the image of the country in the world. Two phenomena shaped mobility patterns. Citizens returning from abroad were caught between accusations of spreading the virus and a plea for healthcare and other key workers from the Serbian diaspora to help in Serbia.

COVID-19, mobility and self-isolation. Experiences of the Serbia’s citizens in the times of global pandemic [COVID-19, mobilnost i samoizolacija. Iskustva građana srbije tokom krize izazvane korona virusom]

The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus and closing the state borders across the world led to the mass return of the citizens of Serbia immediately before and after the declaration of the state of emergency in March 2020. The measure of placing under health supervision and the obligation of self-isolation, were the key means of mobility management in the situation of the health crisis in Serbia. How were the given measures implemented? How did they affect the citizens who returned to the country?

Health and Illness in Newly Arrived Migrants and Refugees Arriving at Europe's Shores: Analysis of the Electronic Personal Health Record System in Seven Countries

Background: The electronic Personal Health (ePHR) Record is a health information system for newly arriving migrants that has been implemented in seven European countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Serbia and Slovenia). This is a cross-sectional study of all migrants who attended as part of the health assessment programme established in the reception centres between 2016 and 2019 that provides a comprehensive overview of illness and health in the migrant cohort.

RO Vienna MHD Annual Newsletter 2018

Overall consolidated report of the migration health activities in the IOM South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asian (SEEECA) region in 2018.  The report covers the activities of country missions and the regional office on Health Promotion and Assistance for Migrants (H2/MA) and Migration Health Assistance for Crisis-Affected Populations (H3/MP) programme.


Spotlight: MHD SEECA at Global Events

Enhancing Social Protection for Migrants in Vulnerable Situation in Serbia

IOM has witnessed an increase in overall protection concerns amongst stranded migrants in the reception centres, particularly among UAMC. The aim of this proposed project, IOM in close coordination with MoLESVP, will be twofold: 1. More coherent and more coordinated provision of psychosocial support in the reception centres; 2. Improved provision of community-based social protection services to migrants as well as organisation of leisure time.