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RO Vienna MHD Annual Newsletter 2018

Overall consolidated report of the migration health activities in the IOM South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asian (SEEECA) region in 2018.  The report covers the activities of country missions and the regional office on Health Promotion and Assistance for Migrants (H2/MA) and Migration Health Assistance for Crisis-Affected Populations (H3/MP) programme.


Spotlight: MHD SEECA at Global Events

IOM Migrants and Refugees in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Phase 3

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the ongoing efforts of the country authorities to ensure adequate accommodation, protection and security of vulnerable categories of migrants by partially renovating and equipping the Vizbegovo Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers (near Skopje) where unaccompanied and separated children (USMC), victims of sexual and gender based violence (VoSGBV), single parents with minor children, pregnant women, elderly, persons with physical and mental disabilities, members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and intersex (LGBTI) community a

Fostering Health Provision for Migrants, the Roma, and Other Vulnerable Groups

Presented during the meeting of the expert group on social determinants and health inequalities on 17-18 November 2015. The EQUI HEALTH project is co-financed under the 2012 work plan, within the second program of Community action in the field of health (2008 – 2013), by direct grant awarded to IOM from the European Commission’s DG for Health and Consumers (SANTE), through the Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA). 

MRS No. 52 - Summary Report on the MIPEX Health Strand and Country Reports

The Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) Health strand is a questionnaire designed to supplement the existing seven strands of the MIPEX, which in its latest edition (2015) monitors policies affecting migrant integration in 38 different countries. The questionnaire measures the equitability of policies relating to four issues: (A) migrants’ entitlements to health services; (B) accessibility of health services for migrants; (C) responsiveness to migrants’ needs; and (D) measures to achieve change.