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Tuberculosis in migrants moving from high-incidence to low-incidence countries: a population-based cohort study of 519 955 migrants screened before entry to England, Wales, and Northern Ireland

BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis elimination in countries with a low incidence of the disease necessitates multiple interventions, including innovations in migrant screening. We examined a cohort of migrants screened for tuberculosis before entry to England, Wales, and Northern Ireland and tracked the development of disease in this group after arrival.

Reinforcement of Migrants and Refugees Assistance and Protection in Niger

L’objectif principal de ce projet est de renforcer l’assistance et la protection des migrants et des réfugiés au Niger. Plus spécifiquement, le projet visera à renforcer l’assistance de base fournie aux migrants dans les centres de transit en amont de leur retour volontaire vers leur communauté d’origine, y compris l’assistance médicale et psychosociale, ainsi qu’à établir un espace dédié aux réfugiés éligibles et/ou sélectionnés à la réinstallation dans un pays tiers.

Migrant Protection and Reintegration in the Sahel (Protection des Migrants et Réintégration au Sahel)

The main objective of this project is to reduce migrants’ vulnerabilities and facilitate their reintegration in their countries of origin. Through this project, direct and vital assistance will be provided to 130 most vulnerable migrants willing to return home. They will all receive counselling and psychosocial support. The contact with families and/or embassies will be facilitated, and referral to support services where available. They will receive assistance with documentation, provision of medical kits, clothing, medical care, food and shelter.

Establishment of Migration Resource and Response Mechanism in Niger (MRMM) - Niger

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates that 120,000 migrants will transit Niger in 2015, coming from West Africa (mainly Senegal, Gambia, Mali, Nigeria) and heading to Libya and Algeria via the Agadez region. In Niger, IOM is currently operating four transit centres (TCs) for returning migrants in Agadez, Arlit (border with Algeria), Dirkou (border with Libya) and Niamey. Existing services in the TCs include registration, humanitarian assistance (food and hygiene kits), medical assistance and transportation.

Reintegration and Psychosocial Support for Returned Migrants from Algeria

l’OIM propose de mettre en place un projet dont l’objectif sera de renforcer les capacités d’accueil des communautés à travers la réalisation de projets communautaires regroupant à la fois des migrants retournés et des membres des communautés d’accueil tout en récoltant de l’information afin de comprendre les facteurs socio-culturels qui sous-tendent ce phénomène migratoire.