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Migrant health policy: The Portuguese and Spanish EU Presidencies

Health is essential to migrants’ wellbeing and contribution to society. The European Union, European governments and the international community are progressively recognising this link and attempting to address the negative socioeconomic determinants of health which disproportionately affect migrant populations. At the EU level, attention to migrants’ health has been framed by two EU Presidencies, the Portuguese in 2007 and the Spanish in 2010.

Ensuring the right of migrant children to health care: The response of hospitals and health services

In the context of migration of children, how do hospitals and health services respond to the needs and rights of children within the wider framework of child protection and healthcare provision? This paper deals with the response of hospitals and healthcare services to the right of migrant children to healthcare in relation to the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the holistic concept of health.

Foreign-born children in Europe: An overview from the health behaviour in school-aged children (HBSC) study

This brief presents findings from the analysis of results from twelve countries participating in the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) 2006 Study. In these twelve countries, school children who were foreign-born were self-identified to have stratified data on this section of the adolescent population. Foreign-born children were compared to their native peers in relation to family affluence, relationship with parents and friends, school life and perception, and involvement in health risk behaviour.

Improving health care for migrant populations using practice innovations and strategic alliances to drive change: The U.S. case

This brief highlights the impact that different players and policy agendas can have to advance the cause of better health care for migrants and minority communities, as seen in the U.S. These include the role of minority specific service delivery innovations and policy developments, and the work of individual sectoral efforts as well as the powerful strategic alliances between them.

Maternal and child healthcare for immigrant populations

Caring for migrants’ health is a matter of human rights and a fundamental way of tackling unacceptable inequalities in health and healthcare provision. In the European Union, recent migration trends and phenomena such as the increasing feminization of migration, alongside with family reunification policies developed by some Member States, raise new concerns about the capacity of social and health policies to deal with newcomers’ groups.

Migration and the right to health in Europe

The objective of this paper is to give an overview of the European legal framework governing migration and health. At the outset, it must be noted that there is a large percentage of European migration that is, in fact, intra-European migration. For EU nationals residing outside of their countries of origin there are numerous challenges that must be overcome in order to realize the right to health. While there is a substantial legal framework in place in the EU to address these challenges, it will not be the focus of this paper.