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Health equity and COVID-19: Global perspectives

The COVID-19 is disproportionally affecting the poor, minorities and a broad range of vulnerable populations, due to its inequitable spread in areas of dense population and limited mitigation capacity due to high prevalence of chronic conditions or poor access to high quality public health and medical care. Moreover, the collateral effects of the pandemic due to the global economic downturn, and social isolation and movement restriction measures, are unequally affecting those in the lowest power strata of societies.

Guía para la Atención Psicosocial a Personas Migrantes en Mesoamérica

La publicación es una guía práctica que contiene herramientas específicas de atención psicológica y psicosocial a migrantes en las diferentes etapas del proceso migratorio. También incluye actividades específicas de cuidado y asistencia a migrantes y autocuidado de personas que atienden a esta población. Destaca de este manual la posibilidad de replicar las actividades en diferentes contextos y según el perfil multidimensional de las personas migrantes en la región de Mesoamérica.

Table of contents: 

UNAIDS Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework (UBRAF)

IOM will develop a research project to determine how migrants, mobile and returned population, have access to HIV and STI diagnosis, care, treatment, and support interventions. The results of the research will be discussed with stakeholders and MoH, to design and implement a gender-sensitive strategy and an official protocol that will define the care flow for migrant, mobile and returned population.

Establishment and Maintenance of Basic Living, Sanitary Conditions and Health Procedures in Temporary Shelters for Populations Affected by the Earthquake in, Guatemala

The project aims to assist 1,500 families affected by the earthquake in 2 departments of Guatemala (San Marcos and Quetzaltenango) through the provision of emergency shelter kits and winterized NFIs to provide the minimal living conditions to people living in shelters.