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Voluntary Repatriation of Filipino Migrant Workers Stranded in Egypt

IOM will provide evacuation and airport assistance to Filipino migrant workers currently residing in Egypt and who wish to voluntarily be repatriated due to the prevailing and deteriorating security situation. This will contribute to reducing life-threatening risks by providing the migrants with immediate emergency transportation and travel health assistance back to their country of origin in accordance with international standards for protection.

Safety, Support and Solutions in the Central Mediterranean Route - MENA

In response to DFID’s business case for the Safety, Support and Solutions programme, IOM is proposing a route-based programme across the Central Mediterranean Route (CMR). IOM will work across the four DFID outcomes, in all the high priority countries designated by the guidance. Key outputs include: 1. The training of 349 healthcare workers over five countries 2. The support of one Migrant Resource and Response Centre in Senegal 3. The rehabilitation of three shelters in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger 4.

Consolidate Direct Assistance Services to Vulnerable Migrants along Migratory Routes in Egypt (CASE)

This Action will directly respond to the protection needs of irregular migrants in Egypt in order to contribute to establishing a protection sphere by promoting sustainable and rights-based solutions for vulnerable populations while preventing irregular migration from, to, and through North Africa to Europe. For this purpose, lOM will establish dedicated migrant assistance facilities in Alexandria to consolidate the provision of protection services.

Promoting Community Cohesion for Syrian Female Refugees and Members of their Hosting Communities

The project aims to promote community cohesion between female Syrian refugees and other female members of host communities in Egypt. This overall objective will be achieved by increasing their access to quality services including healthcare, education, and livelihood opportunities, as well as by reducing gender inequalities within the targeted communities.

Enhancing Livelihood Opportunities for Syrians and Host Communities in Egypt

This project will contribute to strengthening the resilience of Syrian and vulnerable host communities in Greater Cairo including female headed households and youth by improving access to sustainable means of livelihoods through job matching, skills assessment, small business start-up, in-kind grants and community cohesion initiatives. In order to ensure continuity with previously implemented projects, a small component of this project will also provide basic services, notably health and psychosocial care as well as NFI distribution, including in detention centers.

Improving Community Cohesion in Kilo Arba’a Wa Nuss by Upgrading Education and Health Services, Egypt

The overall objective of this action is therefore to contribute to community cohesion through building national and local institutional and community capacity to jointly improve living conditions regarding education, hygiene, environmental health and primary healthcare for Egyptian and migrant communities in Kilo-Arba’a-wa-nuss.

Conditions and risks of mixed migration in North East Africa (Study 2)

This report focuses on the conditions and risks of migration in Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. In particular, it focuses on the experiences of people who are on the move. The pattern of migration in this region is complex. No evidence was found to support the idea that large numbers of people are leaving their countries of origin with the intention of reaching Europe. The idea of crossing the Mediterranean to Europe often arose from disappointment at the conditions in neighbouring countries.