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The Gendered Impacts of COVID-19 amid Agrarian Distress: Opportunities for Comprehensive Policy Response in Agrarian South Asia

COVID-19 and its associated disease control measures have greatly altered everyday life. The burden of these challenges has fallen disproportionately on women. Drawing on qualitative inquiry in agrarian north India and Nepal, this research note analyzes how South Asian COVID-19 lockdowns have affected women's labor responsibilities in sometimes surprising ways. We find increased responsibilities for caregiving within the household, substantial stress in responding to food insecurity, and growing expectations to fulfill public roles in disease response measures.

Concomitant infection with COVID-19 and Mycoplasma pneumoniae

In late 2019, cases of atypical pneumonia caused by a novel coronavirus called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) were first reported in Wuhan, China. The disease was officially called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and has been declared a pandemic disease by the World Health Organization (WHO). The clinical symptoms may include fever, cough, fatigue, headache, and diarrhea. The radiographic features comprise various presentations, including ground-glass opacities, tiny nodules, and consolidation.

Modeling the impact of unreported cases of the COVID-19 in the North African countries

In this paper, we study a mathematical model investigating the impact of unreported cases of the COVID-19 in three North African countries: Algeria, Egypt, and Morocco. To understand how the population respects the restriction of population mobility implemented in each country, we use Google and Apple’s mobility reports. These mobility reports help to quantify the effect of the population movement restrictions on the evolution of the active infection cases.

Radiological findings spectrum of asymptomatic coronavirus (COVID-19) patients

Background: Radiological examinations of COVID-19 positive patients play a vital role in early diagnosis and assessment of disease course, as most COVID-19 infected patients were diagnosed with pneumonia and characteristic CT imaging patterns. Asymptomatic infected individuals, called “asymptomatic carrier or transmitter”, who are the infectious sources of SARS-CoV-2, and some of them progress rapidly, even resulting in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) with a high case-fatality rate.

Health system considerations related to voluntary and forced displacement in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: a critical analysis of the available literature


Background: The WHO Region for the Eastern Mediterranean has had a history of complex migration patterns, with 
high levels of migration to, from, and within the Region, overlaid by massive recent forced displacement. Relatively little 
is known about the health system response to this large-scale mobility. 

Aims: To review the literature on the Region critically, identify gaps, and suggest areas needing research and policy attention. 

A rapid review of immunisation coverage, vaccine delivery and migration in North Africa amongst migrant populations (PROSPERO 2021 CRD42021256369)

In this systematic review we are trying to answer these specific questions: What is the immunisation coverage among migrant populations in North Africa for key vaccines, and are there variations among migrant subpopulations? Where and by who are vaccines administered to migrant populations? What are the key delivery mechanisms (IOM, NGOs, government structures)? What are the barriers and facilitators to migrant populations accessing vaccines in this region?