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Enhanced Migration Management in Djibouti

This project aims to respond to these migration challenges by i) building the capacity of the Government of Djibouti to more effectively manage its borders, including through measures to counter terrorism in line with the standards and practices recommended by the Working Group on Border Management Relating to Counter-Terrorism, of which IOM is a core entity and ii) mitigating the potential for the spread of infectious diseases associated with the migration flows through Djibouti.

Enhanced Migration and Border Management in Djibouti through Improved Data Collection and Compilation

The current project proposes that the PIRS experience, so far acquired in Djibouti, the Horn and other parts of Africa, is enhanced by enabling interconnectivity between the various border posts and Headquarters of the police/immigration. Furthermore, it further strengthens this aspect of Djibouti’s border management by enhancing the skills of the Djiboutian police/immigration staff in passport examination.

Addressing Anti-Piracy and Migration Management in Djibouti (AAPM)

The project will: 1) enhance the capacities of coast guards in addressing challenges posed by piracy, smuggling and trafficking of migrants, and rescue at sea; 2) Enhance border and immigration control for safe and orderly travel within and through Djibouti and build the capacities of the government and local authorities, including immigration and border police, through increased training, provision of equipment and improved infrastructure; 3) Provide direct emergency assistance for migrants, including stranded and intercepted migrants and victims of trafficking, returnees and other vulnera

Emergency Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) Response for Migrant Populations and Affected Host Communities in Djibouti

The purpose of this Action is to ensure that the IOM and the Ministry of Health (MoH) health facility at Obock and MoH facility in Yoboki as well as other key infrastructures within the migration hot spots in Djibouti are improved to ensure that they meet the international standards, to save lives of vulnerable populations, and to prevent any potential contamination within the local population, in particular into main cities like Tadjourah, Dikhil and Djibouti City.

Breaking the cycle of vulnerability: Responding to the health needs of trafficked women in East and Southern Africa

This report documents three trafficking trends in the region, and looks at the health risks that trafficked women encounter in each one. In all three trends women are vulnerable to sexual, reproductive and mental health-related problems. At present, organizations that aim to counter human trafficking in East and Southern Africa tend to focus on the prevention of trafficking, legislative change, and general victim assistance and return.