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Tracking the origin of early COVID-19 cases in Canada

The original coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Wuhan, China has become a global pandemic. By tracking the earliest 118 COVID-19 cases in Canada, we produced a Voronoi treemap to show the travel origins of the country's earliest COVID-19 cases. By March 11, 2020, even though the majority (64.1%) of the world's COVID-19 confirmed cases still had their origin in China, only 7.6% of Canada's first 118 COVID-19 cases were related to travelers from China. The most commonly reported travel history among the 118 cases related to the Middle East, the United States, and Europe.

Impact of the COVID-19 virus outbreak on movement and play behaviours of Canadian children and youth: A national survey

Background: Healthy childhood development is fostered through sufficient physical activity (PA; including time outdoors), limiting sedentary behaviours (SB), and adequate sleep; collectively known as movement behaviours. Though the COVID-19 virus outbreak has changed the daily lives of children and youth, it is unknown to what extent related restrictions may compromise the ability to play and meet movement behaviour recommendations. This secondary data analysis examined the immediate impacts of COVID-19 restrictions on movement and play behaviours in children and youth.

The unintended consequences of covid-19 mitigation measures on mass transit and car use

As the world adapts to COVID-19, the transport behaviour of commuters has been greatly modified. Governments and transit authorities will need strong, well-received mitigation measures and education campaigns to maintain the historically upward trend of sustainable mass transit usage following this pandemic. This study, from a survey of 1968 Canadians in early May 2020, reveals that, following the end of stay-at-home orders, commuters intend to use their cars more and mass transit less.

A gendered analysis of COVID-19 and the implications for online learning

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been referred to as the great equalizer of our times. Unfortunately, what has manifested as a result of this pandemic is a magnified view of the inequalities that exist for many historically marginalized groups in our society. We may all be experiencing the same storm but clearly, we are in very different boats trying to navigate these gale force winds.