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Modeling the impact of unreported cases of the COVID-19 in the North African countries

In this paper, we study a mathematical model investigating the impact of unreported cases of the COVID-19 in three North African countries: Algeria, Egypt, and Morocco. To understand how the population respects the restriction of population mobility implemented in each country, we use Google and Apple’s mobility reports. These mobility reports help to quantify the effect of the population movement restrictions on the evolution of the active infection cases.

A rapid review of immunisation coverage, vaccine delivery and migration in North Africa amongst migrant populations (PROSPERO 2021 CRD42021256369)

In this systematic review we are trying to answer these specific questions: What is the immunisation coverage among migrant populations in North Africa for key vaccines, and are there variations among migrant subpopulations? Where and by who are vaccines administered to migrant populations? What are the key delivery mechanisms (IOM, NGOs, government structures)? What are the barriers and facilitators to migrant populations accessing vaccines in this region?

Preparedness and vulnerability of African countries against importations of COVID-19: a modelling study

Background: The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic has spread from China to 25 countries. Local cycles of transmission have already occurred in 12 countries after case importation. In Africa, Egypt has so far confirmed one case. The management and control of COVID-19 importations heavily rely on a country's health capacity. Here we evaluate the preparedness and vulnerability of African countries against their risk of importation of COVID-19.

Central Mediterranean Migration Route - Enhance Capacities of Governments to Counter the Dangers and Hazards as well as Health Security Issues in Mixed Migratory Flows

This proposed action aims at taking a comprehensive, but tailored, approach in tackling this situation more effectively: On one side through enhancing the access for vulnerable people and those ending up in distress along the CMR, providing immediate humanitarian assistance by NGOs/CSOs or concerned governmental institutions, on the other side through improving the mechanisms for international cooperation and collaboration of concerned border authorities to tackle more efficiently and effectively health security issues, transnational criminal networks, causing death and so much harm to so m

Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) in Algeria - RDPP NA

The overall objective of the ‘Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR)’ project in support of the ‘Regional Development and Protection Programme (RDPP) for North Africa (NA)’ is to contribute to enhancing the government of Algeria’s management of migration through efficient voluntary return of migrants in irregular situation in Algeria and sustainable reintegration in their countries of origin.