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A review of the current situation and recommendations for achieving the World Health Assembly Resolution on health of migrants. November 2010.


  1. Executive summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Migration, development and health in South Africa
    Multiple forms of migration: internal and cross-border migration are global realities: Internal migration within South Africa; Cross-border migration into South Africa; Mixed migration
    Migration and development: Engaging with urbanization
    Policy responses to migration in South Africa
  4. Migration and health in South Africa
    Cross-border migrants in South Africa: health seeking?
    Challenges associated with access to public healthcare in South Africa
    The healthcare system as a central determinant of the health of migrant groups
    Engaging with a “place-based approach” to health
    Using a “place-based” approach to explore migration and health in South Africa

    Health and cross-border migration in South Africa: a protective policy framework?

  5. Exploring migration and HIV Southern, Lessons for South Africa
    Policy and guidelines
    Cross-border migrants experience challenges in accessing Antiretroviral Therapy in South Africa
    Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy
    Governance of health and migration
    The critical role of developmental local government in responding to health and migration
  6. Proceedings of the National Consultation on MIgration Health in South Africa
    Opening the consultation
    Objectives of the consultation
    Global, regional and South African migration trends
    Evidence from the fi eld and conceptual challenges
    Effectively engaging with population dynamics
    Regional and Global responses
    Group Work


  7. Recommendations for improving migrant access to healthcare:
    Engaging with the recommendations from the Global Consultation on Migrant Health in Madrid, Spain
    Responding to migration, development and health: the role of government in developing a coordinated national response
    The need for a coordinated regional response to migration and health

    The way forward

Region/Country (by coverage)
International Organization for Migration