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HIV Vulnerability and Service Availability in Mobility Settings of Myawaddy and Kawkareik

Author/s: Montira Inkochasan, Kyaw Myint Tun, Patrick Duigan, Paula Bianca Blomquist, Jaime Calderon, Min Yun Aung
Language: English
Publication Type: Technical Report(External)

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This study provides an assessment of HIV vulnerabilities and access to HIV healthcare services among key affected populations that live or work along the economic corridor between Myawaddy and Kawkareik. The research targets migrants, female sex workers, men who have sex with men and people who use drugs. The assessment applied a mixed methods approach, acquiring, mapping quantitative data and qualitative data.


  • Background: overview; HIV in Myanmar; mobility, migration, and infrastructure development; rationale and objectives
  • Methodology: method overview; location; target groups and eligibility criteria; data collection methodology  (mapping, qualitative methods, rapid assessment, quantitative survey); analysis; tool development and data quality; ethical considerations 
  • Results: migration and mobility in Myawaddy and Kawkareik; migration and trafficking; rapid assessmen (migration and mobility patterns); quantitative survey (migration patterns); history of illness and healthcare-seeking behavior; STI and HIV/AIDS knowledge and awareness; attitude towards HIV/AIDS; health services and accessibility; quality of healthcare services and difficulties accessing healthcare services; HIV services and HIV testing history; barriers to accessing HIV services; sexual behaviour; condom use; condom availability and accessibility; drugs and alcohol consumption; media and health communications 
  • Discussion
  • Key findings and gap analysis
  • Recommendations
Region/Country (by coverage)
IOM Myanmar