COVID-19: International community responses x migrant health reports [Covid-19: Respostas da comunidade internacional x os relatos sobre saúde dos migrantes]

Tomazi M.,
Martini S.R.
Document Type
Source Title
Relacoes Internacionais no Mundo Atual
Centro Universit�rio Curitiba - UNICURITIBA


The present study intends to contrast the official responses of the international community on the right to migrate linked to health, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with the reality faced by vulnerable migrants. The recommendations of regional human rights protection commissions and international organizations related to the issue of migration are compared with the reports of the media and civil society organizations, verifying that there is no effective compliance with respect for human rights as set out in the guidelines international organizations, especially with regard to the right to health of migrant populations, who end up in a state of hypervulnerability by denying access to their basic rights. © 2020, Centro Universitário Curitiba - UNICURITIBA. All rights reserved.

Migration angle
Region/Country (by coverage)