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Chasing Dreams: A comic resource exploring the challenges facing a migrant community

Author/s: Andre Croucamp, Alastair Findlay, Gerhard van Wyk
Language: English
Publication Type: Booklet/ Handbook(External)

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A comic resource exploring the challenges facing a migrant community, with a particular focus on HIV vulnerability.

Chasing Dreams aims to raise awareness of the challenges facing migrants, mobile workers and the communities with whom they interact.  Of particular significance is their vulnerability to HIV.  While the story is set in Walvis Bay, Namibia, the themes are relevant to service providers, managers and policy makers throughout southern Africa and around the world.Walvis Bay, with its harbour, fishing industry and two main highways linking Namibia with the rest of southern Africa is an attractive prospect for Migrant workers.  The jobs they find in the fishing industry separate them from their families for long periods at a time, placing extreme stress on relationships.

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Region/Country (by coverage)
International Organization for Migration