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The Bangkok Statement on Migration and Development stresses that migrant workers are development actors and contribute by way of remittances, skills, culture and labour to states of origin, transit and destination. It highlights the region’s great diversity in levels of development and sizes of countries, resulting in migration taking many forms, as well as the increased complexity in managing migration in the region-many countries being simultaneously sending, transit and receiving countries.


I. Bangkok Statement on Migration and Development
II. Proceedings

A. Opening session
B. Keynote address: Persisting and emerging challenges of international migration in Asia and the Pacific
C. Sharing of experiences: emerging good practices
D. Roundtable discussions
E. Consideration and adoption of the report for submission to the Global Forum on Migration and Development 2010

III. Organization

A. Background
B. Attendance
C. Election of officers
D. Adoption of the agenda

Annex I: List of participants
Annex II: Recommendations from the Expert Group Meeting on Strengthening Capacities for Migration Management in Central Asia, 20 and 21 September 2010, Bangkok
Annex III: Outcomes of Roundtable Discussion

Roundtable 1: Outcomes of Roundtable Discussion on Migration and Health
Roundtable 2: Outcomes of Roundtable Discussion  on Migration, Gender And Families
Roundtable 3: Partnerships for More Regular and Protected Migration and Strategies to Address Irregular Migration
Roundtable 4: Outcomes of Roundtable Discussion on Linking Migration and Development

Region/Country (by coverage)
Asia-Pacific Regional Thematic Working Group on International Migration Including Human Trafficking