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Airport Entry and Exit Screening during the Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in Sierra Leone, 2014 to 2016

We present entry and exit screening outcomes on all persons passing through Freetown International Airport (FNA) in Sierra Leone during the period 1st September 2014 to 4th February 2016. A total of 166,242 persons underwent screening for Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) at FNA. Five persons were denied air travel from Sierra Leone after secondary screening. Laboratory testing revealed none were positive for EVD. No cases were identified through entry screening route. The public health value of airport screening for EVD is discussed.

Strengthening Sierra Leonean National Health Care Capacity through Diaspora Engagement

Koinadugu, the largest and the least developed district in Sierra Leone, is remote and has an underdeveloped and weak health infrastructure that has negatively impacted the population of this district. The objective of this project will be to strengthen the Sierra Leonean health care system through the deployment of experienced diaspora health care professionals to Koinadugu district to support the delivery of quality health care to the population through health workers capacity building.

Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals Program (US & UK) (TRQN)

The overall objective of this initiative is to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Health through the transfer of skilled human resources from the diaspora and provision of basic laboratory/medical equipment, supplies and drugs. The project aims to create a comprehensive framework for capacity building efforts in Sierra Leone. The main capacity development challenges facing the Sierra Leone's Public Service with respect to the implementation of both the first and second generation PRS.

Enhancing Social Protection and Rehabilitation of War Victims through Reparations in Sierra Leone

This project will address the three primary objectives under the Social Protection Cluster of the Transitional Joint Vision for Sierra Leone. In order to contribute to the social protection of highly vulnerable war victims in accordance with the TRC Recommendations, the project will provide rehabilitation grants, training on income generation and basic financial management for war amputees and severely war wounded civilian war victims, as well as medical assistance to the most vulnerable victims.

Distribution of Emergency Interim Care Packages to EVD Cases Waiting for Admission to an Ebola Care Facility in Western, Port Loko and Bombali Districts

This proposal is intended to address basic hydration and infection prevention and control (IPC) practices by family or care givers. In order to increase survival rates and provide immediate and emergency care, this proposed program will provide emergency assistance to those that are awaiting a safe bed.

Strengthening Disaster Preparedness, Response and Community Resilience in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is quite vulnerable to hazards, mainly flooding, landslides, epidemics and hazard induced by climate change. This project will take a two-pronged approach to strengthening institutional (national and district level) disaster management capacity and activate Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) to holistically reduce the impact of impending disasters on vulnerable communities.

Counter Trafficking Prevention and Victim Protection in Sierra Leone (CT-VIP)

The project aims to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Social Welfare to protect victims of trafficking and to offer return and reintegration options to them. In addition, in order to support the Government in the implementation of the recently passed CT legislation and with the aim of reinforcing the capacity of all stakeholders to provide assistance to identified victims of trafficking, IOM will organize two capacity-building workshops.

Engaging Diaspora to Strengthen the Health, Flood Prevention and Agriculture Sectors in Sierra Leone

This project aims to improve the knowledge, skills of the Sierra Leonean human resources, and leverage the commitment of the Sierra Leonean diaspora to build human resources capacity in Sierra Leone. Due to the impact of recurrent infectious disease outbreaks and the recent devastating flooding, Sierra Leone needs technical support to upgrade its health, disaster prevention and agricultural sectors. IOM will collaborate with diaspora organizations, universities/training institutions and health facilities in Sierra Leone to enhance skills and knowledge transfers to home country.