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Guía para la Atención Psicosocial a Personas Migrantes en Mesoamérica

La publicación es una guía práctica que contiene herramientas específicas de atención psicológica y psicosocial a migrantes en las diferentes etapas del proceso migratorio. También incluye actividades específicas de cuidado y asistencia a migrantes y autocuidado de personas que atienden a esta población. Destaca de este manual la posibilidad de replicar las actividades en diferentes contextos y según el perfil multidimensional de las personas migrantes en la región de Mesoamérica.

Table of contents: 

Reintegration of Migrants and Victims of Human Trafficking in El Salvador (RMVH)

The proposed project will contribute to strengthen institutional capacities for immediate services to returned Salvadorans. Activities will take place under three main components: 1) Improve infrastructure and equipment for responding to immediate needs of returned Salvadorans; 2) Strengthen technical and operational capacities of the Department of Attention to Migrants for providing psychosocial assistance to returned Salvadorans with special needs; 3) Increase knowledge at the national level on concrete options for socio-economic reintegration of returnees.

El Salvador - Return and Reintegration of Unaccompanied Minors - Phase II (RR-UAM II)

The general objective of the project is to contribute to the reintegration of unaccompanied minors returning from the U.S., in an effort to protect their human rights to be fulfilled through four main components: (1) Return to communities of origin, (2) Family reunification, social and educational reintegration, (3) Prevention in communities and schools, (4) monitoring.