Coordinación de la Iniciativa Conjunta de Salud de las Personas Migrantes y Sus Familias (Coordination of the Joint Initiative of Health of Migrants and Their Families)
This project seeks to contribute to the sustainability of the INCOSAMI Coordination, as the responsible unit to ensure compliance with the action plan agreed by the partners and the Steering Committee. The Joint Initiative pursues three strategic objectives, in three areas: 1) access to information; 2) forming alliances; 3) promotion of inclusive policies.
Guía para la Atención Psicosocial a Personas Migrantes en Mesoamérica
La publicación es una guía práctica que contiene herramientas específicas de atención psicológica y psicosocial a migrantes en las diferentes etapas del proceso migratorio. También incluye actividades específicas de cuidado y asistencia a migrantes y autocuidado de personas que atienden a esta población. Destaca de este manual la posibilidad de replicar las actividades en diferentes contextos y según el perfil multidimensional de las personas migrantes en la región de Mesoamérica.
Table of contents:
Migration Crisis in Costa Rica: Supporting the Government of Costa Rica to Provide Humanitarian Assistance to Stranded Migrants
Costa Rica is experiencing an unprecedented influx of Cuban migrants into the country. These migrants arrive in South America and working their way up through Central America and Mexico to reach their final destination, the United States. In order to holistically address this situation, IOM is proposing several immediate and medium-term activities to address the needs of migrants, both intra- and extra-continental, with a focus on assisting vulnerable populations and supporting the Government of Costa Rica to increase its capacity to address the situation.
Joint Program to Improve the Human Security of Ngöbe and Buglé Temporary Migrants in Costa Rica and Panama (JPIH)
The program that aims to improve human security of Ngöbe and Buglé temporary migrants in Costa Rica and Panama, particularly in the areas of economic, food, health, personal, community and political security, through empowerment and by promoting better access of these persons to improved, culturally and gender sensitive public services. The project objectives are the following: 1. to empower and strengthen the capacities of the Ngöbe and Buglé migrant families in order to achieve minimum living standards through self-sufficient food production and the marketing of surplus produce; 2.