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Covid-19 in Refugee Shelters: The German Public Health Service Needs Strengthening Now [Covid-19 in Flüchtlingsunterkünften: ÖGD jetzt weiter stärken]

The Covid-19 pandemic poses a major challenge for the management of collective accommodation centres for refugees. The often-overcrowded facilities hinder satisfactory implementation of social distancing and hygiene practices. Adequate information policies as well as a rapid, efficient management of suspected and confirmed Covid-19 cases are essential. However, scientific evidence on this is largely lacking. Besides partially implemented approaches, such as isolation areas or cluster quarantine, plans to evacuate overcrowded facilities should also be considered.

Addressing COVID-ified maritime migration in the Bay of Bengal: the case of stateless Rohingya boat people

Historically, people have for a long time been using the seas to migrate perilously in unseaworthy boats and risking their lives primarily for safe havens when fleeing persecution or for gaining better economic opportunities in countries of destination. This kind of unsafe migration by sea continues even in the challenging times of countries trying to manage the global pandemic Covid-19. Governing maritime movements is as it is a complex challenge and Covid-19, by raising public health concerns and triggering border-closures across the world, has added to its complexity.

Working with refugees during COVID-19: Social worker voices from Turkey

This short essay aims to share social workers’ experiences of working with refugees during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Three of the authors work in different non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in different cities. NGOs play a vital role in the delivery of psychosocial support services to refugees in Turkey and have been inevitably affected by the pandemic. The major practice challenges are being unprepared for tele-social work, a decrease in financial resources, increasing barriers to resources, and threats to refugee children’s wellbeing.

The Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on Syrian Refugees in Turkey: The Case of Kilis

The objective of this study; is to find out the sensitivity, the concern that are created by the Covid-19 pandemic on the Syrian refugees, who live in Kilis province of Turkey and have different life standards and status and to find out their possibilities and attitudes of prevention from and combating the pandemic. The data of the study were collected between 12–16 April 2020 by applying a questionnaire on 414 refugees. According to the study results, it has been discovered that the refugees have concerns about Covid-19 and their insensitivity levels are low.

Analysis of public’s opinion towards refugees and curfew periods during covid 19 pandemic-a survey

Introduction: Refugees are people who displace or migrate from place to place due to political violence and war. They lack their basic needs and do not have proper accessibilities to general routine things. Mainly because of their constant migration, they get exhausted physically and develop mental illness due to inadequate facilities in their future. They can survive at normal periods, but their situation gets worse during curfew periods because of no food, no shelter, and no employment.

COVID in crisis: The impact of COVID-19 in complex humanitarian emergencies

Introduction: Two billion people are currently affected by complex humanitarian emergencies (CHEs) resulting from natural disasters and armed confl ict. Many have been displaced into crowded camps with poor access to water, sanitation, and health care. Humanitarian response is challenging under these circumstances, raising concern about the impact of COVID-19 on crisis-aff ected populations. Methods: This article examines CHEs in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, and Yemen, where protracted crises have displaced millions of people.

COVID-19: socio-environmental challenges of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

Multifaceted international and national collaborative responses and progress have sustained the world’s largest densely populated refugee camps in the Cox’s Bazar district, Bangladesh. Yet, the Rohingyas remain in an extremely precarious situation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The refugees are living in highly challenging circumstances of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), natural disasters of the monsoon season as well as existing health and educational challenges of HIV, malnutrition and other diseases.