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Publications on COVID-19 and Migration Health

Repository of Research Publications on COVID-19 and Migration Health

This section features an interactive, open-source, searchable (and downloadable) repository of research publications based on a mapping exercise involving the quantitative assessment of a set of published scientific articles (i.e. bibliometric analysis) on COVID-19 in relation to migrants, migration, and human mobility. 


Searching and Navigating the Database

  • Enter keyword/s in the search box on the left-hand sidebar to find publications of relevance to your specific interest.
  • Use the filter options on the left-hand sidebar to search through available publications (i.e., by theme/sub-theme; region/country of coverage; publication type; author/s; year of publication).
  • The map provides an overview of the countries covered in the research publications. Hover over the map to see the number of publications in a specific country or region.

The results of your search can be downloaded as an “XLS” file. Search results will also be listed at the bottom of the page. Selecting the title of a specific publication will lead to a “download” link or a link to the website where the original document is housed.