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Post-Arrival Health Assessment of Eritrean Refugees on the Territory of Romania (HEER)

A group of 38 Eritrean refugees will be evacuated as a humanitarian emergency operation from Libya to Romania on 23 September 2008. Upon the arrival this group of refugees will be accommodated in the temporary transit facility in the city of Timisoara in Western Romania. IOM and UNHCR agreed on the need for post arrival health assessment of the group of refugees, who have crossed different epidemiological borders and were exposed to undetected pathogens on their journey.

Increasing public health safety alongside the New Eastern European Border: An overview of findings from the situational analysis

This document is based on the Situation Analysis Report (SAR) undertaken within the framework of the project “Increasing Public Health Safety alongside the New Eastern European Border Line” (PHBLM) and co-authored by Mariya Samuilova, Jennifer Hollings and Roumyana Petrova-Benedict from the Migration Health Unit, IOM Brussels.

Thematic Study: Cost analysis of health care provision for irregular migrants and EU citizens without insurance 

The thematic study developed and implemented by the Center for Health and Migration Vienna (C-HM) under the overall guidance of IOM Migration Health Division Regional Office in Brussels within the framework of IOM/EC EQUI-HEALTH project “Fostering health provision for migrants, the Roma, and other vulnerable groups”, analysed economic costs related to the exclusion of irregular migrants from access to the mainstream health care system. 

European Research on Migration and Health (Background Paper)

This paper reviews the different kinds of research that are required in order to identify, analyse and remedy problems in the field of migrant health. It is divided into five sections: (1) Why is research on migrant health important? (2) What kinds of research are needed (3) Who carries out this research, what methods are involved, and what are the difficulties? (4)  Research at the European (or global) level (5) Conclusions. 

Guidelines for border management and detention procedures involving migrants: A public health perspective

The guidelines was developed within the framework of PHBLM project “Increasing Public Health Safety alongside the New Eastern European Border Line”.  It was designed primarily to support the capacity of border management personnel to deal with migration health concerns and public health risks related to migration and to promote good practices and standards for border management and health personnel working and dealing with significant health risks.

Developing a public health workforce to address migrant health needs in Europe

Based on a literature review and survey in selected EU countries, this document provides recommendations for actions and strategy and policy changes by the European Union, Member States and training providers. The engagement of all these actors is needed to reorient the competencies of the public health workforce to the needs of modern Europe.


Improving HIV data comparability in migrant populations and ethnic minorities in EU/EEA/EFTA countries: Findings from a literature review and expert panel

This report presents the findings and recommendations of a review of HIV-related data on migrant and ethnic minority populations in European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries.

The review was intended to: