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Staying connected during COVID-19: The social and communicative role of an ethnic online community of Chinese international students in South Korea

As the public health threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic is still evolving globally, many linguistic minorities are struggling to obtain accurate and timely health information about the disease and its prevention and treatment in their native language. This study argues that existing ethnic online communities can play an important role in dealing with such health information disparities in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Protection and response of a tertiary hospital in South Korea to the COVID-19 outbreak

ObjectiveHere, we present an overview of how a tertiary hospital responded to maintain necessary activities and protect patients and staff from COVID-19 outbreak.MethodsGil Medical Center, a tertiary hospital in Incheon, operated special response team since January 21, 2020. All visitors were assessed for body temperature and respiratory symptoms, and were screened for recent overseas travel. Suspected COVID-19 patients were taken to a screening clinic. All febrile patients with or without respiratory symptoms were taken to a respiratory safety clinic.

Role of children in household transmission of COVID-19

Objective: Transmissibility of COVID-19 by children in the household is not clear. Herein, we describe children's role in household transmission of COVID-19. Design and setting: All paediatric COVID-19 index cases and their household members reported from 20 January to 6 April 2020 in South Korea were reviewed. The secondary attack rate (SAR) from child index case to household secondary case was calculated. Epidemiological and clinical findings of child index case-household secondary case pair was assessed.

Adoption and impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19

Background: Several non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) have been implemented across the world to control the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Social distancing (SD) interventions applied so far have included school closures, remote working and quarantine. These measures have been shown to have large impacts on pandemic influenza transmission. However, there has been comparatively little examination of such measures for COVID-19. Methods: We examined the existing literature, and collated data, on implementation of NPIs to examine their effects on the COVID-19 pandemic so far.

A cluster of tertiary transmissions of 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in the community from infectors with common cold symptoms

Background/Aims: As the global impact of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been severe, many countries have intensified containment activities to eliminate virus transmission, through early detection and isolation strategies. To establish a proper quarantine strategy, it is essential to understand how easily the virus can spread in the communities. Methods: In this study, we collected detailed information on the circumstances in which human-to-human transmission occurred in the tertiary transmission cases of COVID-19 in the community.

COVID-19 in children across three Asian cosmopolitan regions

As another wave of COVID-19 outbreak has approached in July 2020, a larger scale COVID-19 pediatric Asian cohort summarizing the clinical observations is warranted. Children confirmed with COVID-19 infection from the Republic of Korea, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and Wuhan, China, during their first waves of local outbreaks were included. Their clinical characteristics and the temporal sequences of the first waves of local paediatric outbreaks were compared. Four hundred and twenty three children with COVID-19 were analyzed.

Estimation of the excess covid-19 cases in Seoul, South Korea by the students arriving from China

Background: In March 2020, overall, 37,000 international students from China, a country at risk of the 2019-novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection has arrived in Seoul, South Korea. Individuals from the country at risk of COVID-19 infection have been included in the Korean home-quarantine program, but the efficacy of the program is uncertain.

Seir modeling of the italian epidemic of sars-cov-2 using computational swarm intelligence

We applied a generalized SEIR epidemiological model to the recent SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in the world, with a focus on Italy and its Lombardy, Piedmont, and Veneto regions. We focused on the application of a stochastic approach in fitting the model parameters using a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) solver, to improve the reliability of predictions in the medium term (30 days). We analyzed the official data and the predicted evolution of the epidemic in the Italian regions, and we compared the results with the data and predictions of Spain and South Korea.

Estimating the prevalence and risk of COVID-19 among international travelers and evacuees of Wuhan through modeling and case reports

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) started in Wuhan, China and has spread through other provinces and countries through infected travelers. On January 23rd, 2020, China issued a quarantine and travel ban on Wuhan because travelers from Wuhan were thought to account for the majority of exported COVID-19 cases to other countries. Additionally, countries evacuated their citizens from Wuhan after institution of the travel ban. Together, these two populations account for the vast majority of the "total cases with travel history to China"as designated by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Early Trend of Imported COVID-19 Cases in South Korea

This study aimed to observe the initial trend of imported COVID-19 cases in South Korea since the beginning of the outbreak. All imported cases were classified into 5 regions (China, Asia, Europe, Africa, and America) according to travel history and potential exposure to the COVID-19. The list of countries for which confirmed cases had a travel history (single visit, multiple visits) and presented, were used to estimate the potential “exposure countries” of confirmed cases.