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Retrospective overview of a COVID-19 outbreak in Mauritania

A coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak is currently ongoing in Mauritania. Until 1 July 2020, Mauritania health authorities reported 41 862 serologic and real-time reverse transcriptase PCR tests performed, of which 4472 (10.7%) were positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Male subjects were significantly more affected (57.1%) than female subjects (42.9%). Individuals of the age groups 15–34 years (35.8%) and 35–54 years (36.6%) were the most affected.

Increase Local Response Capacity in Mauritania to Assist Stranded and Vulnerable Migrants through Health, Legal and Reintegration Support

IOM proposes in the following project under Pillar 1 to strengthen the response capacity of the Government of Mauritania to address the specific needs of the growing irregular migrant population, with specific emphasis on the assistance of the most vulnerable, including unaccompanied minor children, victims of trafficking, etc. Additionally, the project seeks to build the local capacity of civil society groups who have shown an interest to assist with the health, psychosocial and legal needs of vulnerable migrants.

Assistance d’Urgence aux Populations du Hodh Echarghi en Insécurité Alimentaire Sévère

La situation précaire des ménages du Hodh El Chargui est accentuée par la présence des réfugiés maliens localisés dans le camp de Mbera. En effet, la crise malienne a profondément déstabilisé l’économie des ménages de la zone selon les résultats de la mission conjointe des acteurs humanitaires qui a eu lieu au mois de juin 2014 dans la Moughataa de Bassikounou. La dégradation de la situation de sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des ménages pourrait avoir un impact sur les relations intra- et intercommunautaires.