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Improving Access to Health Services for Migrants, IDPs and Conflict Affected Populations in Libya

To address the growing concerns related to health needs faced by the migrants and other displaced populations and host communities in Tripoli and Libya. IOM will conduct critical intervention through mobile outreach activities targeting 2000 beneficiaries in Tripoli and surrounding areas with a high concentration of migrants. IOM's articulated response will include primary health care and emergency services as well as public health services.

Essential Protection and Health Services for Migrants in Detention in Libya

IOM’s intervention is based on three inter-linked components: 1) the provision of primary health care services with referral linkages for specialized care; 2) targeted identification, referral and protection programmes in Tripoli Detention Centres; and 3) migrants who expressed a willingness to return to their countries of origin will be screened and referred to IOM’s voluntary humanitarian return programme.

Central Mediterranean Migration Route - Enhance Capacities of Governments to Counter the Dangers and Hazards as well as Health Security Issues in Mixed Migratory Flows

This proposed action aims at taking a comprehensive, but tailored, approach in tackling this situation more effectively: On one side through enhancing the access for vulnerable people and those ending up in distress along the CMR, providing immediate humanitarian assistance by NGOs/CSOs or concerned governmental institutions, on the other side through improving the mechanisms for international cooperation and collaboration of concerned border authorities to tackle more efficiently and effectively health security issues, transnational criminal networks, causing death and so much harm to so m

Addressing the Health Needs of IDPs, Migrants in the Communities through Mobile Outreach and Establishing Linkages with Health Facilities for Referrals

IOM will also support and manage the referral and transfer between different level of health care, establishing linkages between community, primary health care centres and secondary hospitals. The mobile medical teams will also organize educational sessions for health promotion in the communities. The intervention would target 25,200 vulnerable migrants, IDPs and host communities including women, men, and minors under 18 years. The coordination exhibited during the development of project among the four UN agencies would continue through the implementation of the interventions.

Enhancing Saving Lives at Sea Operations by the Libyan Coast Guard

The overall objective of this project is to enhance Saving Lives at Sea operations through providing lifesaving equipment, targeted infrastructural support and related capacity building. The project responds to the continuing deepening conflict in Libya, destruction of infrastructure and difficult socioeconomic conditions that disproportionately affect migrants, and influence mobility trends in the region. Despite efforts to broker national agreements for establishing a unified Government, it has not been possible to break the cycle of violence.

UK Home Office Complementary Funding in Additional Activities under TRIM (Enhancement of Transit and Irregular Migration Management in Libya)

The project will enhance assistance to specific nationalities of concern and shall perform the tasks including: Assessing transport routes and means and identifying potential partner companies, Providing information and support services to migrants, including health care, Establishing a database containing all the necessary information for the return and reintegration phase in the country of origin, Acquiring travel documents and completing all travel formalities for migrants, Organizing travel and en-route assistance for 120 voluntary returnees (including medical escorts if required, and p