Intersecting Vulnerabilities: The Impacts of COVID-19 on the Psycho-emotional Lives of Young People in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Across diverse contexts, emerging evidence suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic is increasing levels of anxiety and stress. In calling for greater attention to people’s psychosocial and emotional well-being, global actors have paid insufficient attention to the realities of the pandemic in low- and middle-income countries, where millions of people are already exposed to intersecting vulnerabilities. Chronic poverty, protracted violence, conflict and displacement, coupled with weak health, education and protection systems, provide the backdrop of many adolescents’ lives.
Tuberculosis in migrants moving from high-incidence to low-incidence countries: a population-based cohort study of 519 955 migrants screened before entry to England, Wales, and Northern Ireland
BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis elimination in countries with a low incidence of the disease necessitates multiple interventions, including innovations in migrant screening. We examined a cohort of migrants screened for tuberculosis before entry to England, Wales, and Northern Ireland and tracked the development of disease in this group after arrival.
Drinkable Water for the Area of Guiglo and in Particular Internally Displaced People (CERF - Water)
The project serves as a response to the most immediate needs of the IDPs in the CATD (Centre d'Accueil Temporaire des Déplacés) in terms of access to potable water, thereby reducing the security threats posed to women and children fetching water from water points outside the transit centre. This will also reduce the rate of water-borne diseases among the IDPs.
Rehabilitation of Shelter and Infrastructure Affected by the Civil War in Western Cote d'Ivore (RPHF)
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the return and reintegration of displaced populations, refugees and host communities by meeting their urgent shelter and water needs through the rehabilitation of damaged properties at community levels.
Provision of Semi-Durable Shelter and Water and Sanitation to IDPs' Family, Returnees and Local Communities in Areas of Origin, Cote d’Ivoire (PSDS)
The objective of the project is to allow for the voluntary durable return of IDPs affected by the civil war, by providing them at community levels, in Duékoué and on the Duékoué to Guessabo and Duékoué to Bagohouo axes with: WASH services: To reduce the incidence of WASH-related disease in Western Côte d’Ivoire for women, girls, boys and men returnees, IDPs and host families through the provision of safe drinking water, latrines and hygiene promotion; SHELTER services: To improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable conflict-affected population in Western Côte d’Ivoire including the
Protection and Assistance to the Voluntary Return of IDPs in Cote d’Ivoire (PAVRCI)
The main objectives are to provide adequate responses to IDPs by reinforcing community dialogue with host communities and facilitating the return where it is possible within the framework of the consolidation of peacebuilding process. Proposed activities are the following: 1. Reinforcing the existing monitoring mechanism (peace committees) for reinforcing community dialogue between IDPs and the host communities, in particular within the Mona - Gueya area, 2. Assistance to IDPs originated from PEHE area with specific needs to return in safety and dignity, 3.